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About the project

Antibiotic resistance (AR) is a major concern in EEA neighboring countries, like Russia. Many of these countries have poor control over antibiotic usage and monitoring of resistance rate. Suboptimal knowledge in antimicrobial prescription aggravates the spread of bacteria with AR genes. It is widely accepted that efforts of health-educators, the scientific-community, and policymakers are currently not optimal to restrain the spread and maintenance of AR rates.

Dentists contribute to about 8-10% of all out-patient antibiotic prescriptions. The aim of the current project is to establish a network to educate Russian dental professionals on their role in antimicrobial stewardship. The project specific aims are to analyze and optimize antimicrobial use in dental practice in Arkhangelsk and surrounding areas with coherent evidence-based practice, not only from a scientific point of view but also from technical points on how to manage the problem of AR in resource-limited settings. During the course of the project, education on infection control, management of oral infections, proper antibiotic prescription in dentistry, and data on resistance prevalence among oral bacteria will be collected.


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