On-chip Sensing goes to Japan!

Leaders in Optics participate in the breaking of the seal of a sake barrel during the OPIC Congress Reception.
The opening of the sake barrel at the OPIC Congress Reception. Image credit: SPIE.

We started our dissemination this year by participating in the SPIE conference Future Sensing Technologies (FST) 2023, which was held on the 18th-20th of April in Yokohama, Japan. The conference was chaired by Osamu Matoba, Joseph A. Shaw, and Christopher R. Valenta and covered topics like cameras, RADAR systems, Hyperspectral imaging, LIDAR technology and applications, polarization sensing, IR sensing, etc.

This year, FST was held jointly with the Optics and Photonics International Congress (OPIC) held on the 17th-21st of April and shared its plenary talks and special events. Plenary talks were given by Hidetoshi Katori from The University of Tokyo Quantum Metrology Laboratory, RIKEN; Roman Hvězda from Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI); Hiroshi Mukawa of Sony Group Corporation; Akira Okada of NTT Science and Core Technology Laboratory Group; and Jason M. Eichenholz from Luminar Technologies Inc.

Our group was represented with a presentation titled “Free-standing thin-film waveguide for PIC-based mid-IR trace gas sensing” given by Jehona Salaj with co-authors Marek Vlk, Roman Zakoldaev, Jens Høvik, Astrid Aksnes, and Jana Jágerská, in which the newest developments on our free-standing waveguides for trace gas sensing in general, and CO2 sensing in particular, were shown.

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