Feminist Peace Research – a conversation w/T.Väyrynen, S.Parashar, É.Féron, C.C.Confortini

Feminist Peace Research – a conversation w/T.Väyrynen, S.Parashar, É.Féron, C.C.Confortini

Feminist Peace Research – a conversation w/ Tarja Väyrynen, Swati Parashar, Élise Féron, Catia Cecilia Confortini

One of the first episodes of the Opinion Peace in 2019 was a conversation with Annick Wibben about Piecing up Feminist Peace Research. Since then, several aspects and themes of feminist peace research and analysis have been discussed in the podcast episodes with Swati Parashar, Élise Féron, Heleen Touquet, Philipp Schulz, Jamie Hagen, and Daniela Lai. Today’s episode weaves those and many other threads of feminist peace research and analysis together to open a conversation about what peace research is and where it could and/or should go.

My guests on the podcast are editors of the soon to be published Routledge Handbook of Feminist Peace Research: Tarja Väyrynen and Élise Féron from the Tampere Peace Research Institute in Finland, Swati Parashar from the School of Global Studies, at University of Gothenburg, Sweden, and Catia Cecilia Confortini from the Wellesley College, in the US.

In today’s episode, you will be hearing about:

  • feminist approaches to questions of violence, justice, and peace;
  • de-centering of peace research;
  • feminist collective decision making and editing;
  • slow and epistemic violence;
  • feminist care and
  • great reading suggestions.


Dr. Tarja Väyrynen is a Professor in Peace and Conflict Research and Research Director of Tampere Peace Research Institute, Tampere University, Finland.


Dr. Élise Féron is Senior Research Fellow at the Tampere Peace Research Institute, Tampere University, Finland. The previous episode with Élise about wartime sexual violence against men can be found here. Twitter: @EliseFeron1



Dr. Swati Parashar is an Associate Professor in Peace and Development at the School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.  The previous episode with Swati about the postcolonial reading of peace from below can be found here. Twitter: @swatipash






Dr. Catia Cecilia Confortini is an Associate Professor of Peace and Justice Studies at Wellesley College, USA. Twitter: @Peace_Wellesley




Podcast host: Sladjana Lazic

Text and edits: Sladjana Lazic


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