Performing Europe in the Western Balkans – a conversation w/ Dr. Vjosa Musliu

Performing Europe in the Western Balkans – a conversation with Dr. Vjosa Musliu   Over the last two-two and a half decades, scholars have produced a vast number and variety of works that grappled with international and especially European interventions in the Western Balkans in the spheres of state- and peace-building, …

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Feminist Peace Research – a conversation w/T.Väyrynen, S.Parashar, É.Féron, C.C.Confortini

Feminist Peace Research – a conversation w/ Tarja Väyrynen, Swati Parashar, Élise Féron, Catia Cecilia Confortini One of the first episodes of the Opinion Peace in 2019 was a conversation with Annick Wibben about Piecing up Feminist Peace Research. Since then, several aspects and themes of feminist peace research and …

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Fieldwork as Failure -a conversation w/ Katarina Kušić and Jakub Zahora

Fieldwork as Failure. Living and Knowing in the Field of IR – a conversation w/ Katarina Kušić & Jakub Zahora The guests of the first Opinion Peace podcast in 2021 are Dr. Katarina Kušić and Dr. Jakub Zahora, editors of the open-access volume “Fieldwork as Failure. Living and Knowing in the Field …

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Demystifying Fieldwork in Peace&Conflict Studies – w/Birte Vogel & Roger Mac Ginty

Demystifying Fieldwork in Peace&Conflict Studies – w/Birte Vogel & Roger Mac Ginty   “The Companion to Peace and Conflict Fieldwork” –  recently published volume edited by Roger Mac Ginty, Roddy Brett, and Birte Vogel – takes a reader through a life cycle of fieldwork. Through 33 chapters written in the …

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Struggle for Redress. Victim Capital in Bosnia and Herzegovina – with Dr Jessie Barton Hronešová

The Struggle for Redress. Victim Capital in Bosnia and Herzegovina – with Dr. Jessie Barton Hronešová   “The Struggle for Redress. Victim Capital in Bosnia and Herzegovina” a book by Jessie Barton Hronesova explores the varieties of recognition, redress, justice, and victimhood in Bosnia and Herzegovina through a within-country comparative analysis. …

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Going Beyond Binaries in research about SGBV Against Men – with Heleen Touquet & Philipp Schulz

Going Beyond Binaries in research about SGBV Against Men – with Heleen Touquet & Philipp Schulz   This conversation draws upon two recently published articles written by Heleen Touquet and Philipp Schulz: “Navigating vulnerabilities and masculinities: How gendered contexts shape the agency of male sexual violence survivors”, Security Dialogue and “Queering …

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Socioeconomic Justice: International Intervention & Transition in Post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina – with Daniela Lai

Socioeconomic Justice: International Intervention & Transition in Post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina For more than two decades international interveners and local stakeholders in Bosnia and Herzegovina have relied on the narrow and legalistic conceptualization of post-war justice, empowered a limited group of people, and focused on top-down statebuilding. The prevailing liberal peacebuilding …

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Re-Imagining Peace & Security from the Perspective of Queer & Trans Communities

Re-imaging Peace & Security from the Perspective of Queer & Trans communities – Jamie Hagen In her article from 2016, Queering women, peace and security, Jamie Hagen explored the implications of excluding sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) against LGBTQ individuals from policy implementation and NGO monitoring of the WPS agenda …

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Wartime Sexual Violence against Men – a conversation with Elise Feron

Wartime Sexual Violence against Men – a conversation with Elise Feron Five out of ten resolutions in the United Nations Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) policy architecture are focused on sexual violence in conflict. The United Nation Security Council (SC) has shown particular interest (with caveats that will be discussed …

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“Debating Nationalism” with Florian Bieber

“Debating Nationalism – The Global Spread of nations” – a conversation with Florian Bieber Even though the end of nationalism has been predicted several times by now, nationalism continues to permeate the global system, interstate relations, and people’s (everyday) behavior.  With Brexit and Boris Johnson’s election, the election of Donald …

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