Opinion Peace

Opinion Peace

New Nordic Peace – Nordic Peace and Conflict Resolution Efforts

New Nordic Peace – Nordic Peace and Conflict Resolution Efforts The report “New Nordic Peace: Nordic Peace and Conflict Resolution Efforts” was published on 9 April 2019. Besides noting the growing interest of Nordic countries for mutual co-operation and strengthening Nordic Peace brand,  the Report also highlights two areas where the …

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UN Peace Operations in a Changing Global Order – conversation with Cedric de Coning

International day of UN peacekeepers, 29 May, was celebrated this year under the banner “Protecting Civilians, Protecting Peace”, and last year the Secretary-General launched a new initiative “Action for Peacekeeping” or A4P through which he called on Security Council and Member States to renew their shared commitment to collective engagement with …

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Quality Peace – conversation with Peter Wallensteen

        Peter Wallensteen, Senior Professor, former Director and founder of the Department for Peace and Conflict Research at Uppsala University. He has been the founder and director of the Uppsala Conflict Data Program (UCDP) for many years, held the Dag Hammarskjöld Professorship of Peace and Conflict Research at Uppsala University (1985-2012) …

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The Ukrainian Conflict: Prospects for Peace? – conversation with Volodomyr Dubovyk

This episode features Volodymyr Dubovyk, Director of the Center for International Studies, Odessa Mechnikov University, whom we asked what are the chances for peaceful resolution of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.   Volodymyr Dubovyk is the Director of the Center for International Studies, Odessa Mechnikov University. His research interests include: U.S. – Ukraine …

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Feminist Peace Research – conversation with Annick Wibben

With this episode we are opening our Debating Peace (Studies) Series The first episode in this Series  features Professor Annick Wibben, whom we asked what are the themes that emerge through feminist engagement with peace studies. We used her most recent article “Collective Discussion: Piecing-Up Feminist Peace Research”  to discuss what is  critical …

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