There is an interview (in Norwegian) with the general secretary in the journal Reindriftsnytt (News of Reindeer Husbandry in Norway), no. 4, 2011, pp. 43-45.
Since the interview was done, there are news about NOR; the position as Secretary, the office in Tromsø and the Council itself.
The Nordic Ministries of Agriculture close Nordic Council for Reindeer Research (NOR)’s office in Tromsø when the present secretary retires. The given reason is that Finland no longer will pay the yearly economic contribution of Norwegian kroner 220 000,- from 2012. Against the will of reindeer husbandry in Scandinavia and reindeer researchers in the Nordic area, the ministries use the Finnish decision to close NOR as a council for research matters.
At NOR’s last yearly meeting in October 2012, NOR was formally closed as an organisation and the research questions were said to be handled in the future by the Nordic Coucil for Research in Agriculture and Food (NKJ). The intention is also to have a department for reindeer husbandry at the Nordic Research Organisation NJF. The ministries will continue cooperation in Nordic reindeer husbandry by implementing conferences, meetings and information for researchers, the reindeer husbandry and reindeer business. The arrangements will be organized by the ministries, led by them on a 2-year leg. The formal closure of NOR was announced through ministry decisions although the official closure has to be done through the Nordic Council of Ministers (NMR).
About the journal Rangifer: At NORs annual general meeting in October 2012, the formal closure of NOR was announced. However, it was decided that the publication of Rangifer will continue. The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Reindeer Husbandry Unit, has now taken over the publication responsibility. New editor-in-chief is Birgitta Åhman (Professor in Reindeer Husbandry, SLU) and new editor is Eva Wiklund (Associate Professor in Meat Science, SLU).