The growth and decline of fisheries communities: Explaining relative population growth at municipality level

Paper published in Marine Policy by Iversen, Asche, Buck, Henriksen, Stein and Svalestuen. In several countries, maintaining the population of fisheries dependent communities are of major importance in the fisheries governance system. However, most studies investigating the relationship between fisheries and communities have a qualitative focus on the impact of fisheries policies on the communities. Read More

Working paper – Striking Similarities

Working paper on The Striking Similarities Between Northern Norway and Northern Sweden. Contrary to the view held by many actors, this paper, by using a quantitative and longitudinal analysis in a comparative perspective, show that the demographic development in Northern Norway and Northern Sweden is much more similar than many think. Through the last 60 Read More

Gator (1945 – )

Datasettet Gator beskriver den politiske, sosiale og økonomiske utviklingen på kommunalt nivå i Norge fra 1945 til i dag. Datasettet er oppkalt etter professor i sosiologi Geir Runar Karlsens (1967-2016) amerikanske kallenavn ‘Gator’. Datasettet inneholder et bredt spekter av informasjon om norske kommuner med formål å legge til rette for kvantitativt-komparative studier av samfunnsutviklingen i norske Read More