The SALT project is glad to welcome Birgit Alber (Free University of Bozen) who will visit us in the first week of December 2023. During her stay at UiT, Birgit Alber will give two talks on the 6th, and 7th of December. Please find the details below.
Towards a typology of blends (Wednesday 6th December, 13:15 SVHUM A-2021)
Blends (smoke+fog = smog) are fascinating structures, at many levels. In this talk an ongoing project is presented, which deals with issues such as how blend data can be elicited, what generalizations can be drawn from such elicitations, what a cross-linguistic typology of blends should look like in Optimality Theory and how blends compare to other structures in the domain of prosodic morphology, e.g. truncations. I will explore the possibility that blends are formed in the same way in all languages, following a universal construction recipe: take the left margin of word1, the stress and the right margin of word2, try to have a blend output conforming to the prosodic shape of word2. Even under such a potentially universal recipe, there is some space for intralanguage variation (see Arndt-Lappe & Plag 2013 who first observed all these things for English blends). I will then set out to construct an OT-typology of blends and perform a property analysis (Alber& Prince 2015 and seq.) on it.
Topic: SALT talk: Birgit Alber on blends
Time: Dec 6, 2023 13:15 Oslo
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Crowdsourcing and language documentation (Thursday 7th December, 14:15 SVHUM E-0103)
In recent years, crowdsourcing has emerged as an interesting tool for language documentation. I will illustrate lights and shadows of this methodology of data elicitation presenting projects around our crowdsourcing platform AlpiLinK ( Issues of quality of the data, quantity of the data and the possibility of citizen science projects connected to such platforms will be discussed.
Topic: SALT Guest Talk: Birgit Alber on Crowd Sourcing
Time: Dec 7, 2023 14:15 Oslo
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