SALT(y) publications:
Puggaard-Rode, Rasmus 2023, Stop! Hey, what’s that sound? The representation and realization of Danish stops. PhD Dissertation, Leiden: Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics. (LOT Dissertation Series 631). doi:10.48273/LOT0631
Apostolopoulou, Eirini 2022, Typological variation in language contact: A phonologycal analysis of Italiot Greek. PhD Dissertation: University of Verona, The Arctic University of Norway.
Krämer, Martin 2022, The interaction of tone, weight, and stress in Latvian. NELS 52: Proceedings of the 52nd annual meeting of the North East Linguistic Society, ed. by Özge Bakay, Breanna Pratley, Eva Neu & Peyton Deal, vol. 2, pp. 173-188, GLSA Publications
Krämer, Martin 2022, Word-initial sibilants and prenuclear syllable structure. Phonological Studies 25: 147-148.
Krämer, Martin 2021, Complex onsets and coda markedness in Persian. Nordlyd 45.1: 95-118, UiT
Myhre, Matias 2021, The weight and representation of Ryukyuan Miyako onsets. Initial geminate moraicity, markedness, and sonority. Master Thesis, UiT.
Krämer, Martin & Draga Zec 2020. Nasal consonants, sonority, and syllable phonotactics: the dual nasal hypothesis. Phonology 37.1: 27-63. doi:10.1017/S0952675720000032
Golston, Chris & Martin Krämer 2020. Diphthongs are micro-feet: Prominence and sonority in the nucleus. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting on Phonology 2019. LSA Publications.
Merchant, Nazarré & Martin Krämer 2018. The Holographic Principle: Typological analysis using lower dimensions. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting on Phonology 2017, LSA.
Krämer, Martin, & Barbara Vogt 2018. Alignment and locality in the typology of affixing language games. The Linguistic Review 35.1: 83-120.
SALT(y) presentations:
Krämer, Martin 2023, Local Optima and Segment Sequencing in Syllables.Talk at Phonology in the Nordic Countries (FiNo 2023), Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, Lithuania, 19-20 January.
Dyga, Jagoda 2023, Prominence and Anchoring in Truncation in Polish Child Language. Talk at Phonology in the Nordic Countries (FiNo 2023), Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, Lithuania, 19-20 January.
Krämer, Martin 2022, Does sonority have a phonological basis? Invited talk at SRPP (Colloquium of the Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie), Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, 21 January 2022
Krämer, Martin 2022, A typology of syllabic consonants and its implications for our understanding of syllable phonotactics. Invited talk at IGRA, Leipzig, 26 January.
Krämer, Martin 2021, The interaction of tone, weight, and stress in Latvian. Talk at NELS 52, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, 29-31 October 2021.
Krämer, Martin 2021, Degenerate syllables and excrescent vowels. Evidence from Yuman. Talk at Epenthesis and Beyond Workshop at Stony Brook University , 17-19 September, online.
Krämer, Martin 2021, Word-initial sibilants and prenuclear syllable structure. Invited talk at Phonology Forum 2021, the annual meeting of the Phonological Society of Japan, 23-25 August.
Krämer, Martin 2021, Appendicitis and other inflammatory diseases at the left syllable margin. Invited talk at CSU Fresno Linguistics Colloquium, March 11, Fresno.
Zhakun, Kate & Krämer, Martin 2021, ‘Russian sonority reversals. Do they really exist? Talk at Western Conference on Linguistics (WECOL 2021), November 13-14, Fresno.
Urek, Olga 2020, Acquisition of initial onsets in Latvian: complexity vs. frequency. Lecture at HIF-1019 Psychology of Language, September 4, UiT.
Krämer, Martin 2020, In the grey zone of the sonority hierarchy. Lecture at Leiden University Language and Cognition Group; 2020-09-17 UiT
Urek, Olga & Krämer, Martin 2019, Research collaboration between Latvia and Norway. Poster presented at Staff week – EEA/Norway Grants, November 6, UiT.
Golston, Chris & Martin Krämer 2019, The internal structure of diphthongs: Prominence and sonority in the nucleus, Poster presented at the Annual Meeting on Phonology, October 11-13, Stony Brook, NY, USA.
Martin Krämer 2019, The hybrid pitch accent-tone-stress system of Latvian, Poster presented at the Annual Meeting on Phonology, October 11-13, Stony Brook, NY, USA.
Martin Krämer & Draga Zec 2019, The gradient categorical vocalic behavior of syllabic consonants, Poster presented at the Annual Meeting on Phonology, October 11-13, Stony Brook, NY, USA.
Urek, Olga 2019, Structural complexity and input frequency: acquisition of Latvian initial onsets. Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition (GALA 2019); 2019-09-12 – 2019-09-14 UiT
Martin Krämer & Draga Zec 2019, The variable vocalic nature of syllabic consonants. Poster at the 27th Manchester Phonology Meeting, Manchester, 23-25 May 2019.
Golston, Chris & Martin Krämer 2019, Sonority and prominence in diphthongs. Talk at FiNo Phonology in the Nordic Countries 2019, Edinburgh, 22-23 February 2019.
Urek, Olga 2019, Diminutive palatalization in Latvian. Phonology in the Nordic Countries (FiNo 2019); 2019-02-22 – 2019-02-23 UiT
Martin Krämer 2019, Interacting sonority hierarchies. Keynote at Old World Conference in Phonology 16, Verona, 16-18 January 2019.
Urek, Olga 2019, Variable syllabification of word-medial sC clusters and palatalization in Standard Latvian. 16th Old World Conference in Phonology (OCP16); 2019-01-16 – 2019-01-18 UiT
Urek, Olga 2019, Diminutive palatalization in Latvian. Phonology in the Nordic Countries (FiNo 2019); 2019-02-22 – 2019-02-23
Urek, Olga 2019, Structural complexity and input frequency: acquisition of Latvian initial onsets. Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition (GALA 2019); 2019-09-12 – 2019-09-14 UiT.
Urek, Olga 2019, Variable syllabification of word-medial sC clusters and palatalization in Standard Latvian. 16th Old World Conference in Phonology (OCP16); 2019-01-16 – 2019-01-18 UiT.
Urek, Olga 2018, Palatalization in sC clusters in Latvian. Baltic Linguistics: New perspectives and methods; 2018-11-21 – 2018-11-22 UiT
Urek, Olga & Martin Krämer 2018, Acquisition of syllable structure in Latvian: an experimental investigation. Talk at Baltic Linguistics: New perspectives and methods; UiT The Arctic University of Norway, 21-22 November 2018.
Urek, Olga & Martin Krämer 2018, Testing suprasegmental complexity in preschool children acquiring Latvian. At ACQVA Retreat; NTNU, Trondheim, 17-19 October 2018.
Zec, Draga; Krämer, Martin 2018, Syllable codas, consonantal manner, and the sonority hierarchy. An Interdisciplinary Workshop on Syllable Structure and Sonority; 2018-05-11 – 2018-05-12 UiT
Urek, Olga & Martin Krämer 2018, Appendices, complex onsets, and sonority in the acquisition of Latvian. An Interdisciplinary Workshop on Syllable Structure and Sonority; UiT The Arctic University of Norway, 11-12 May 2018.
Krämer, Martin, Olga Urek, Kate Zhakun 2018, Syllable Structure – Acquisition, Loss, Typology. An Interdisciplinary Workshop on Syllable Structure and Sonority; UiT The Arctic University of Norway, 11-12 May 2018.
Urek, Olga; Krämer, Martin 2018, Acquisition of syllable structure in Latvian: an experimental investigation. Baltic Linguistics: New perspectives and methods; 2018-11-21 – 2018-11-22 UiT.
Urek, Olga; Krämer, Martin 2018, Testing suprasegmental complexity in preschool children acquiring Latvian. ACQVA Retreat; 2018-10-17 – 2018-10-19 UiT.
Urek, Olga, 2018, Palatalization in sC clusters in Latvian. Baltic Linguistics: New perspectives and methods; 2018-11-21 – 2018-11-22 UiT.
Zhakun, Kate; Krämer, Martin 2018, Variable stress in Russian truncated adjectives. Fonologi i Norden; 2018-02-09 – 2018-02-10 UiT
SALT(y) workshops:
SPIPS: (funded by CASTL-FISH)
Segmental Processes in Interaction with Prosodic Structure (SPIPS), UiT, September 19-20, 2019
The SALT kick-off workshop:
An Interdisciplinary Workshop on Syllable Structure and Sonority; UiT The Arctic University of Norway, 11-12 May 2018.