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Welcome to the Stable Isotope Laboratory

About us

The Stable Isotope Laboratory (SIL) is located at the Department of Geosciences at UiT The Arctic University of Norway, in the city of Tromsø, Norway. The laboratory is a part of the infrastructure at the main Geosciences lab https://en.uit.no/infrastruktur/enhet?p_document_id=675771.

The purpose of the facility is to support basic and applied research in the fields of geosciences, environmental sciences, and methane emissions. We promote collaborations among the faculties at UiT -The Arctic University of Norway, with Norwegian and International research institutes as well as with industry. In addition, we perform analyses for external customers.

For information about our research projects or for inquiries regarding analyses of external samples, please contact:

Dr. Matteus Lindgren (technical staff): matteus.lindgren@uit.no

Prof. Giuliana Panieri (scientific responsible): giuliana.panieri@uit.no

Best regards

Matteus Lindgren, Giuliana Panieri


På norsk

Laboratoriet for Stabile Isotoper (SIL) er lokalisert på Institutt for Geovitenskap på UiT Norges Arktiske Universitet, i Tromsø, Norge. Laboratoriet analyserer stabile isotoper i interne og eksterne prøver. Kontakt oss for mer info.  

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