Hello, Hallo, Bonjour!
My name is Sophie Bourgeon and I have been working as an associate professor in Arctic marine ecotoxicology at the Arctic University of Norway (department of Arctic and Marine Biology) since August 2015. I have been appointed as professor in September 2023.

Welcome to my teaching portfolio, which will fill you in about my teaching activities and scopes. When I am not teaching, I focus on my research activities and here is where you can learn more about what keeps me busy half of my time.
This teaching portfolio represents the final assessment of my teacher-training course organized by the Arctic University of Norway (2017-2018). It is divided into four main chapters:
The first chapter will retrace my teaching background by outlining my teaching experience, my teaching repertoire as well as my assessment methods.
In the second part, I will state my teaching philosophy that brushes upon the various challenges of implementing relevant teaching practices.
The third part will document my development project, which aimed towards implementing true learning based assessments.
The last part will outline the lessons learned through peer observation.
The concluding remarks will summarize the essence of this portfolio. I wish you a pleasant journey throughout this portfolio!
“To teach is to learn twice“
Joseph Joubert (1754-1824)
Contact information
Sophie Bourgeon, professor in marine ecotoxicology
The Arctic University of Norway – UiT • www.uit.no
Faculty for Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics
Department of Arctic and Marine Biology
P.O. Box 6050 Langnes, 9037 Tromsø, NORWAY
Phone: +47 77 64 60 33 • Cell: +47 46 78 34 18
Email: sophie.bourgeon@uit.no
Website : https://site.uit.no/sophiebourgeon/