Writing a PhD benefits from the acquisition of competencies outside of the specific study, e.g. being aware of current academic norms, knowing how to retrieve, manage and treat references, handling scientific research data, and being up-to-date about open access publication.
The University Library works with these issues on a daily basis, and in 2015 we createdTake control of your PhD journey: From (p)reflection to publishing. This is a biannual seminar series designed for PhD students, coming from all fields of study at UiT. It consists of five different modules, independent yet interrelated, which are organised as interactive sessions combining theory, discussion, and practice. You can choose to attend one or all, all depending on your current needs.
Day 1. Think like an academic – work like an academic
When carrying out a PhD research project, we need to be familiar with and follow the norms of academic integrity. This includes perhaps first and formost the use of other sources, e.g. how to treat these as to avoid plagiarising. But moreover, academic integrity includes being aware of, and preventing, academic misconduct and other questionable research practices. Finally, the notion of academic integrity has in recent years extended to include the benefits of transparency of science, both for the research community and for society in general.
In this seminar, we invite you to partake in a cross-disciplinary and hopefully thought-provoking discussion on these important issues.
Date: Monday 24 October 12:15-15:00
Day 2. Search like an expert
Literature search is an essential part of every research project. For science to move forwards, new research must build on all relevant sources, with both established knowledge and the newest discoveries. Insufficient search strategies may lead to perpetuating outdated or even false information and biased views.
This seminar focuses on doing systematic literature searches and how to use scientific databases in an efficient and effective way. It is designed as a workshop where there will be a combination of database information and practical searching. Further, to tailor the seminar to your needs as much as possible, we have created four different versions, all dependent on which discipline you are researching.
Read more and sign up for
Social sciences (Tuesday 25 October 08:30-11:15)
Technology and natural sciences (Tuesday 25 October 10:15-12:00)
Humanities (Tuesday 25 October 12:15-15:00)
Medicine and health sciences (Tuesday 25 October 12:15-15:00)
Day 3. The hows and whys of publishing open access
As a PhD student you want your research to be disseminated and made accessible to as many as possible. Knowledge about open science and open access (OA) publishing is essential if you want a further career in research.
In this seminar, we discuss what open access means and how publication choices affect both the scientific and the general community. We also focus on evaluation of publication channels, and how you can get funding for publishing open access at UiT.
Date: Wednesday 26 October 09:15-12:00
Day 4. Manage your research data according to best practice
Research data are the foundation of research projects within most fields, as they allow you to confirm or draw new conclusions about a given subject. Further, good research data management and sharing is essential for scientific transparency and the increase and spread of knowledge.
In this seminar, you will get an introduction into how research data should be managed according to best practice at all stages of your research project. You will also receive information about our recently launched institutional archive, UiT Open Research Data.
Date: Thursday 27 October 09:15-12:00
Day 5. Manage your references with EndNote
When your references keep piling up, you need to work out a system that handles large amounts of references and makes it easy for you to use them and share them with your co-writers. EndNote is a reference management tool that makes these aspects of your writing process a piece of cake.
In this seminar, we teach you how to make the most of EndNote in your PhD studies. We offer one introductory seminar, where we focus on the basic functionalities of EndNote, such as creating an EndNote library and entering references into a Word document, and one seminar for advanced users, where we focus on aspects of EndNote facilitating sharing, organising and publishing references.
Read more and sign up for
Endnote basic (Friday 28 October 08:30-11:15)
Endnote advanced (Friday 28 October 12:15-16:00)