TODOS general meeting (AGM) and breakfast seminar

When: Thursday, 14th of December, 9:00 – 11:00

Where: SVHUM E0101


TODOS annual general meeting

The TODOS 2017 board invites all PhDs to our general meeting where we present our annual report and elect the next year’s board. This is an opportunity to become part of the TODOS board, vote for the board, and discuss about topics and ideas to be addressed by TODOS.


Research data management for PhDs: policies, responsibilities and possibilities

In addition, this year’s AGM will be combined with an interesting and relevant seminar about the new rules regarding data management plans. Starting last September, all new projects are now required to have such a plan, so our great library professionals will join and give us a brief introduction to these rules.

And last but not least, you will have a free breakfast with us. So please register here. We will stream both the seminar as well as our general meeting.

If you are interested in joining the next Board, ideally contact us already before the AGM.


Your team of the Doctoral Students at UiT