TODOS Julebord / Christmas party

TODOS would like to invite you to the annual Christmas dinner which this year will be at Árdna at UiT, Thursday 5th December. Doors open at 5pm, dinner is served from 6pm. Bring your own drinks.

We will play good music later in the evening and maybe Santa will come too?

There is a maximum of 35 spots, so check your calendar asap and sign up if you are free! If you find out that you cannot make it after all, please change your answer in the form below or let us know, so other people can join for you.

Important information

Date of event: Thursday 5th December 2024

Time: Door opens at 1700, dinner served from 1800

Register here:

Deadline for registration: 11th November 2359

Location: Árdna (mazemap location:

Dress code: come as you are, with your ugly Christmas sweater, gala clothing, or pyjamas. Everything is just right!

We are looking forward to celebrating with you!

It’s bowling time!

Todos would like to invite you to a night of socialising – and beating your fellow PhD at bowling!

There are only 18 spots, so sign up quickly but don’t forget to shoot us message of you cannot make it. Then the place will open to someone else.

When? Friday, 1st november, 7-9pm

Where? Bybowling, Storgata 68A

Link to sign up:

You can buy drinks and pizza at the bar – and stay a little longer, if you like. The bowling alleys are booked 7-9pm, but feel free to stay longer for a round if darts, snooker or shuffleboard. ☺️

Winter Writing Retreat at Malangen [18 Nov – 20 Nov 2024]

A change in scenery might sometimes help with the writers’ block – and who doesn’t love that?

The writing retreat is back! 😊

Join us for a 3 days & 2 night writing retreat at Malangen Resort from 18th November to 20th November 2024.

We will be arranging a conference room (with a view no less) and conduct writing session with regular breaks to ensure the maximum efficiency.

The participation fee is 2700 NOK, paid directly to the resort upon checking out. The remaining cost will be covered by TODOS. As an academic event, the fee is reimbursable through your annum, but please verify this with your supervisors. You claim the fees the same way you do with other work related travels.

Upon signing up, you are bound to pay for this participation fees even if you do not show up. You can change your mind up to Thursday, 17th October at 2359.

For this fee, you will get:

  • A single bedroom in a 3-bedroom cabin with one shared bathroom and a full kitchen. The assignment of your 2-night cohabitant will be random. Cabin mates will be of the same gender.
  • 3 x lunch, 1 x pizza buffet dinner, 1 x 3-course dinner, 2 x breakfast buffet, coffee and snacks throughout the day while writing.
  • Transport from and back to UiT
  • Writers’ spirit (we hope)

Additional activities by the resort are available here – at your own expenses.

Important details:

Date: Monday 18th November – Wednesday 20th November 2024

Departure location: BFE Building (Mazemap location:

Departure time from UiT: 0900 h

Departure time from Malangen: 1600 h

Sign up link:

Sign up deadline (including changes and withdrawals): Thursday 17th October 2024

Once your registration is complete, you will receive a confirmation email from Nettskjema containing a link where you could edit / delete your registration. Please keep this email safe in case you would like to withdraw. Should this email be lost, please write us an email by the same deadline.

An email with other important information will be sent to participants once the sign up is completed two weeks prior to the event. Should you have any questions, feel free to write to us.

We are experiencing issues with our mailing list. We have notified the IT department several weeks ago. Unfortunately, this is still not fixed. Please let your colleagues who do not receive email know to visit our website as we will concurrently update the website each time we send out an email. We apologize for the inconvenience caused.

Board games / Mario

English below ⬇️

Hei alle stipendiater og postdoktorer! 🍂

Høsten har ankommet til Tromsø og derfor vil TODOS invitere på en koselig kveld med brettspill og Mario Kart.

Vi tilrettelegger for en koselig atmosfære og setter opp forskjellige spill til enhver smak – dere tar med det dere måtte ønske av snacks og drikke.

Når?     Onsdag, 9. oktober kl. 17-21

Hvor? N119, 1. etasje Breiviklia, mazemap:

Vi sees! 😊


Hello all PhDs and postdocs! 🍂

Autumn has arrived in Tromsø and TODOS wants to invite you to a cosy evening with boardgames and Mario Kart.

We’ll provide for a good atmosphere and bring games – you can bring snacks and whatever you wish to drink.

When?     Wednesday, 9th October, 5-9pm

Where?   N119, 1. floor Breiviklia, mazemap:

PhD day [17 Oct 24]

The UiT University Library together with High North Academy and the Academic Writing Centre will organize an event targeting all PhD candidates at UiT named PhD Day in the Library.

Agenda can be found here:

Date: 17th October 2024

Time: 0900 – 1500 (lunch included – sign up for lunch required)

Sign up link:

Deadline: 10th October 2024. Please note that the sign up is only required if you would like lunch. The event is open to all on the day itself.

Career workshop [26 Sep 24]

You are hereby invited to join the “Career workshop”. This workshop aims at helping you think about future job opportunities and see the potential in your skills.

Where do you see yourself after your PhD?

What competences do you need to get there?

What competences do you already have?

How can you fill these skill gaps?

Develop your career plan together with us!

Date and Time: September 26, 0900-1300

Register here within September 23, 2359

We’ll serve lunch for participants after the workshop.

EUGLOH Courses and fundings

A series of courses will be organized at European universities affiliated with EUGLOH.

Many of the activities are aimed at building competence and skills that can be useful in developing a research career. Others are focused on themes such as biology, health, business or sustainable development.

EUGLOH is a university alliance, of which UiT is a partner, that collaborates to find solutions for global health challenges through education, innovation, and research.

The alliance consists of nine European partner universities, which now collectively encompass 338,500 students, 54,000 academics, and 112 faculties and schools.

To facilitate close collaboration, EUGLOH prioritizes making exchange between European campuses as simple and practically accessible as possible.

Therefore, EUGLOH covers expenses for travel and accommodation if you wish to participate in short-term academic activities with physical attendance.

You can also participate in joint educational activities between European campuses via online platforms.

If this sounds interesting, I recommend taking a look at the list of activities below, which have a registration deadline in September.

Best regards, Kim Bredesen, Communications Officer, UiT

Til alle stipendiater og postdoktorer ved UiT

Jeg vil gjerne tipse dere om at det til høsten blir arrangert en rekke kurs /workshops/seminarer/webinarer på europeiske universiteter tilknyttet EUGLOH.

Flere av aktivitetene er rettet mot å bygge opp kompetanse og ferdigheter som kan være nyttige når det gjelder å bygge opp en forskerkarriere. Andre fokuserer på temaer som biologi, helse, næringsliv eller bærekraftig utvikling.

EUGLOH er en universitetsallianse, hvor UiT er partner, som samarbeider om å finne løsninger for globale helseutfordringer, gjennom utdanning, innovasjon og forskning.

Alliansen består av ni europeiske partneruniversiteter, som nå knytter nå sammen 338.500 studenter, 54.000 akademikere og 112 fakulteter og skoler.

For å legge til rette for tett samarbeid prioriterer EUGLOH å gjøre utveksling mellom europeiske campuser så enkelt og praktisk tilgjengelig som mulig.

EUGLOH dekker derfor utgifter til reise- og opphold hvis dere ønsker å delta på kortvarige faglige aktiviteter, med fysisk oppmøte.

Du kan også delta i felles utdanningsaktiviteter mellom europeiske campuser via nettbaserte plattformer.

Hvis dette høres interessant ut, anbefaler jeg å ta kikk på listen med aktiviteter under, som har påmeldingsfrist i september.

Mvh Kim Bredesen,

Kommunikasjonsrådgiver, UiT

Målgruppe / Target group: stipendiater / PhD-students

Nettkurs / Online course: Antibiotikaresistens og bevaring av marine miljø / Antibiotics Resistance and Marine Conservation

Påmeldingsfrist / Application deadline: 4. september / September 4

Nettkurs / Online course: Utvikling av finansiell kompetanse innen helseøkonomi / Developing Literacy Skills in Health Economics

Påmeldingsfrist / Application deadline: 13. september / September 13

Nettkurs / Online course: Global helse og bærekraftig utvikling / Global Health and Sustainable Development

Påmeldingsfrist / Application deadline: 15. september / September 15

Hybrid kurs / course (både på nett og fysisk deltakelse i Lund, Sverige / both online and in-person attendance in Lund, Sweden):

Bruk av kunst og estetikk som en helseressurs / How Art and Aesthetics Can Be Used as a Health Resource

Påmeldingsfrist / Application deadline: 15. september / September 15

Fysisk workshop i Paris, Frankrike / in Paris, France: Bygg opp din entreprenørånd! / Boost Your Entrepreneurial Spirit ! 2024

Påmeldingsfrist / Application deadline: 25. september / September 25

Blended Intensive Program (BIP) / EUGLOH Career Network:

Hybrid kurs / course (både på nett og fysisk deltakelse i Porto, Portugal / both online and in-person attendance in Porto, Portugal): Forsterking av studenters karriereutvikling / Boosting Students’ Career Development

Påmeldingsfrist / Application deadline: 20. september / September 20

TODOS AGM Meeting!

Dear TODOS member, 

We inform you that our Bi- Annual General Meeting is coming closer and closer and there are positions available within the TODOS Board!  

Bi-annual general meeting [Hybrid] 

The positions available are Vice Board Chair, Chair of Social Affairs, Chair of Communications for one year and Chair of Academic Affairs for six months! 

Everyone can run for the positions, regardless of their campus location

When elected, each board members receive a compensation at the end of the term, either as 

  1. 2 weeks contract extension (half if 6 months position) 
  2. 2 weeks teaching reduction (half if 6 months position) 
  3. 25000 NOK in annum (half if 6 months position) 

Date: 5th June 2024  

Time: 14:30 – 15:30 

Location: Campus Tromsø – Norges fiskerihøgskole Lille Auditorium (E-102) or online 


Be engaged! 

Survey on conflict management and mental health services at the UiT – Input Needed!

Hello UiT Community,

We invite you to participate in our ongoing survey focused on mental health services conflict management with supervisors at UiT. Your experiences and insights are crucial for us to better understand and improve these interactions. Participate in the survey here.

Key Findings from 2023 Survey (but long version here):

  • Conflict Management: Responses show varied familiarity with ethical guidelines and procedures for reporting issues. Many know about UiT’s “Si ifra/Speak Up” page, and there’s a call for enhanced emotional competency and intercultural conflict management in PhD supervisor training.
  • Conflict Resolution: Most favor discussions with independent mediators or an ombud for resolving conflicts, highlighting the need for flexibility depending on the case.
  • Mental Health Services: Awareness of HEMIS, UiT’s free health support service, is at 57.6%. Training for supervisors should include recognizing mental health signs, addressing stigma, and understanding PhD-specific stressors.
  • Information Dissemination: The majority (84.8%) prefer information via welcome booklets, with emails and welcome meetings also popular. The importance of regular mental health support reminders and maintaining privacy in services was emphasized.

Your participation in our current survey helps us advocate for effective conflict management procedures, enhanced supervisor training, and robust mental health support at UiT. Thank you for helping us make a difference in our community.

The TODOS Team

NEW EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT: 3-Minutes Thesis Competiton!

Dear TODOS Members, 

We’re thrilled to announce an exclusive opportunity exclusively for PhD students at UiT – the 3-Minute Thesis Challenge, happening on April 25th! This is your chance to present years of research in a compelling 3-minute talk, and we’re inviting you to step into the spotlight. The Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) is an academic research communication competition developed by The University of Queensland (UQ), Australia. More info on past international events and guidelines on the website: 

Why Participate? 

Win Prizes: There are exciting rewards for the most engaging and informative presentations. 

Gain Visibility: Share your work with a wider audience, including peers and faculty. These events are held internationally and you can get recognition worldwide. 

Improve Skills: Hone your communication skills and learn to convey complex ideas succinctly. 

Event Details: 

Date: April 25th 2024, 14:00 

Venue: Store Auditorium E-101 NFH-bygget (Mazemap

Prizes: Yes, for the winners! 

How to Register for the competition: Simply click here to fill out the registration form

The registration for competition is open until the 20th March 2024  

Rules for Presenters: 

  • Presentations must not exceed 3 minutes; exceeding this time will lead to disqualification. 
  • Only spoken word presentations are allowed (no poems, raps, or songs). 
  • Your time begins with your first word or gesture. 
  • One static PowerPoint slide is allowed from the start (no transitions, animations, or movements). 
  • No additional electronic media (sound or video files) is allowed. 
  • No props (costumes, instruments, or equipment) are permitted. 
  • The adjudicating panel’s decision is final. 

This is more than a competition; it’s a chance to make an impact and inspire others with your research journey. Whether you’re in the early stages or nearing completion, we want to hear from you! 

For any questions, feel free to reach out to Mizanur Rahman at 

Let’s make this event a memorable showcase of the incredible talent within our TODOS community.

We can’t wait to see you there!