Forskningsbarometeret og tilstandsrapport for universiteter og høgskoler

Kunnskapsministeren la 7. mai frem Forskningsbarometeret og tilstandsrapport for universiteter og høyskoler. Forskningsbarometeret viser at Norge er svært attraktivt for utenlandske forskere, skriver Kunnskapsdepartementet på sine nettsider. De siste ti årene har det blitt 50 prosent flere utenlandske forskere ved universiteter og høyskoler, og hele 96 prosent flere i næringslivet. Tilstandsrapporten viser at selv om mye er bra ved norske universiteter og høyskoler, er det også store utfordringer.

Forskningsbarometeret og Tilstandsrapporten for universiteter og høyskoler tar for seg utviklingen i norsk forskning og ved norske universiteter og høyskoler.




Doctoral Summer University

When: 3rd – 6th of September, 2014

Where: Budapest

Application Deadline: 15th of June


The National University of Public Service (NUPS) from Budapest and international Partners organize the Doctoral Summer University in Budapest, Hungary. The Summer University is one of the most innovative and pioneering scientific project. For four days international experts reverse roles with doctoral candidates. PhD candidates from all over Europe, especially from Visegrad countries, present their doctoral presentations and the international experts review and develop them and give candidates professional feedback.


The summer university covers topics such as: Civil Society, Democratization, Human Rights, Regional Cooperation, Economic and social transformation, E-Security, E-Learning, Public Health, E-Health, Literature and Linguistics.



Tarragona International Summer School on Trends in Computing

When: 7th – 11th of July, 2014

Where: Tarragona, Spain

Early Registration: 7th of June

Regular Registration: 5th of July


SSTiC 2014 will be a research training event mainly addressed to PhD students and PhD holders in the first steps of their academic career. It intends to update them about the most recent developments in the diverse branches of computer science and its neighbouring areas. To that purpose, renowned scholars will lecture and will be available for interaction with the audience.


SSTiC 2014 will cover the whole spectrum of computer science through 6 keynote lectures and 22 six-hour courses dealing with some of the most lively topics in the field. The organizers share the idea that outstanding speakers will really attract the brightest students.

For more information please visit the webpage.



PhD Candidate Audun Hetland running for the university board

Deadline to Vote: 3rd of June, 2014


Audun Hetland is a PhD Candidate in psychology and plans to finish his PhD next summer. He founded ReCo ( and through it he works to improve the educational program on transferable skills for PhD Candidates and other academic staff with a special focus on communication and outreach. ReCo and Audun have set up a range of courses in close collaboration with the High North Academy (HNA), some of which have become part of the yearly portfolio of HNA. Audun was an invited speaker at the TODOS breakfast seminar on presentation techniques last year and has for the last two years been mentoring the PhD Candidates participating in Forsker Grand Prix.


As the only PhD candidate nominated for the temporary employee position at the university board we encourage you to use your vote.



The 16th European Agent Systems Summer School (EASSS 2014)

When: 14th – 18th of July, 2014

Where: Crete, Greece

Registration Deadline: 30th of June, 2014


Since 1999, the European Agent Systems Summer School aims to provide a valuable forum for knowledge exchange between various research groups in its field for the benefit of students and researchers at both beginner and advanced level. EASSS has been organized annually in different European locations since the beginning. This year’s school will feature additional courses covering topics related to social intelligence. It will be co-organised by the European Network for Social Intelligence and also serves as their official Summer School.



The Summer School in Audiovisual Arts and Communication 2014

When: 30th of June – 13th of July, 2014

Where: Izmir, Turkey

Application Deadline: June 6th, 2014


The Department of Cinema and Digital Media, Izmir University of Economics (Turkey) and the Department of Cultural Technology and Communication, University of the Aegean, Lesvos (Greece) offer an intensive, hands-on Documentary Summer School in Izmir and Mytilene this summer. The workshop will be held one week in Izmir and one week in Mytilene, Lesvos island. The participants will team up in small multinational teams in order to devise, create, script, film and edit their documentaries in Turkey and Greece under the supervision of experienced instructors and professionals of the two Universities.




It has been proven that rain does not stop a TODOS Summer BBQ! Thank you to all of those that showed up yesterday. We hope you enjoyed the weather, food and company as much as we did.



the TODOS board

IX Valencia Summer School in Business and Economics

Welcome! The IX Valencia Summer School in Business and Economics is a high-level training programme organized by the Faculty of Economics (University of Valencia) and sponsored by Fundación La Caixa and the Academy of International Business – Western Europe (AIB). The main aim of the summer school is to make valid and rigorous contributions to the selected areas of study. It will encourage interaction between participants and speakers from diverse backgrounds, while allowing for enjoyment of the city of Valencia. This current year the Summer School offers two highly-specialised courses in economics and business, taught by professionals who are leading figures in their field.


Course: Research Methodology: An introduction to modeling with structural Equations

When: 2nd – 4th of June, 2014


Course: Dynamic Panel Data Models

When: 23rd – 25th of June 2014


Course: Management, Globalization, Innovation and Technology

When: 2nd – 4th of July, 2014



Do you want to be a research fellow at the Research Center for Educational and Network Studies?


RECENS is a research center led by Károly Takács, promoting high quality research in social network analysis. RECENS is part of Centre for Social Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences and is located in Budapest, Hungary in the beautiful Buda castle.
We are seeking a postdoctoral researcher who will participate in our research project “Competition and Negative Networks: The Origin, Dynamics, and Harmful Consequences of Negative Relations”. The project proposal is available at our website:
Candidates should have received a Ph.D. already or should be able to demonstrate that their Ph.D. will be submitted for defense in 2014.


More information: