The SiN AGM was held in Oslo on the 7th of May. Ekaterina Korshunova and Lindis Merete Bjoland represented TODOS. The new governing board of SiN was elected and consists of 8 members from the different member organizations. The minutes from the meeting will be available soon.
President: Morten Stornes, DION (NTNU)
Vice-president: Izaskun Muruzábal-Lecumberri, UiSDC (UiS)
Treasurer: Magdalenda Bruch, FODOS (NMBU)
Member: Anders Farholm, NIHSPO (NIH)
Member: Erlend Dancke Sandorf, TODOS (UiT)
Member: Jesper James Alvær, Kunststipendiatforum
Member: Marthe Emelie M. Buan, DION (NTNU)
+ one member from UiO Doc.