Stipendiatorganisasjonene i Norge (SiN)/The Association of Doctoral Organizations in Norway has a new board

The SiN AGM was held in Oslo on the 7th of May. Ekaterina Korshunova and Lindis Merete Bjoland represented TODOS. The new governing board of SiN was elected and consists of 8 members from the different member organizations. The minutes from the meeting will be available soon.


President:           Morten Stornes, DION (NTNU)

Vice-president: Izaskun Muruzábal-Lecumberri, UiSDC (UiS)

Treasurer:           Magdalenda Bruch, FODOS (NMBU)

Member:             Anders Farholm, NIHSPO (NIH)

Member:            Erlend Dancke Sandorf, TODOS (UiT)

Member:             Jesper James Alvær, Kunststipendiatforum

Member:             Marthe Emelie M. Buan, DION (NTNU)

+ one member from UiO Doc.



Forskerskolen PROFRES

Når: 3. September – 2014

Hvor: Universitetet i Stavanger

Påmelding: 1. August – 2014


I anledning innvielsen av forskerskolen PROFRES, ønsker vi å rette søkelyset mot den profesjonsrettede og praksisnære forskningen innenfor helse, velferd og utdanning.


Hele programmet og mer om forskerskolen kan dere finne på nettsidene.



St. Petersburg: Reise- og opphold for Ph.D. – Stipendutlysning

Søknadsfrist: 6. Juni – 2014


Det norske universitetssenter i St. Petersburg lyser ut inntil 3 stipender som støtte til 1 måneds faglig opphold – og reisestøtte – i St. Petersburg.

Stipendutlysningen er åpen for alle fagfelt, og skal være et bidrag til å dekke ekstra reise- og oppholdskostnader i forbindelse med oppholdet i St. Petersburg.

Det norske universitetssenter i St. Petersburg stiller til rådighet arbeidsplass med e-posttilgang, sine faglige nettverk til universiteter og forskningsinstitusjoner i St. Petersburg, og informerer om muligheter for tilgang til samlinger og biblioteker, m.m.

Oppholdet må gjennomføres innen utløpet av høstsemesteret 2014.

Det gis kr. 2.500 i reisestøtte og kr. 12.500,- til dekning av kost, losji og andre utgifter. Eventuell støtte utbetales til den enhet som står for lønnsutbetalingen, som så må sørge for utbetaling av trekkfritt stipend.


Mer informasjon:

Academic Writing Workshop for PhD Candidates

When: 16th – 17th of June, 2014

Where: Linken konferansesenter


The focus of this two-day workshop is on the use of English for academic writing. Therefore it is relevant for all disciplines. There will be time each day for individual discussion of short texts written by the participants. The workshop language is English.



MISS-ABMS 2014: Multi-platforms International Summer School on Agent-Based Modeling & Simulation

When: 8th – 19th of September

Where: Montpellier, France

Application Deadline: 30th of June, 2014


We are pleased to announce the 4th edition of MISS-ABMS, a 2-week training course on implementing computer agent-based models for renewable natural resources management.


During the first week, participants will be exposed to three different platforms: Netlogo, Gama and Cormas. The emphasis of the training is set on participatory modelling and simulation, most of the trainers being involved in development of the Companion Modelling approach. To develop their own prototype ABMs, participants will form small groups (2-4) to work on stylized models referring to a shared theme.


Fees: 500 Euros for PhD Candidates and 1000 Euros for researchers and academic staff. Fees include tuition, refreshments and a gala dinner. Travel lunches and accommodation are not included.


More Information:

Doctoral Summer University

When: 3rd – 6th of September, 2014

Where: Budapest, Hungary

Application deadline: 15th of June, 2014


The National University of Public Service (NUPS) from Budapest and international Partners organize the Doctoral Summer University in Budapest, Hungary. The Summer University is one of the most innovative and pioneering scientific project. For four days international experts reverse roles with doctoral candidates. PhD candidates from all over Europe, especially from Visegrad countries, present their doctoral presentations and the international experts review and develop them and give candidates professional feedback.

Our international Partners: Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin, Poland – Prof. Waldemar Paruch, Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic – Prof. Jan Holzer, Postgraduate International Network, Hungary – Dr Greta Czene.


The research areas covered are: civil society, democratization, human rights, regional cooperation, economic and social transformation, e-learning, public health, e-health.



Meeting for new PhD Candidates

When: 11th of June, 2014, 14:00 – 16:00

Where: Hiet, Adm., UiT


This is a meeting for new PhD Candidates at the University of Tromsø. New PhD candidates should receive a separate invitation; however, sometimes there is a delay in the system. If you are a new PhD candidate and you have not received an invitation, please send an e-mail to

Lettere for talenter å få fast ansettelse

Regjeringen vil gjøre det lettere for unge talenter å komme inn i faste undervisnings- og forskerstillinger.

Regjeringen fremmer derfor lovforslag om at unge talenter etter endt åremålsperiode vil ha krav på fast ansettelse, dersom vedkommende har oppfylt kravene som ble stilt ved ansettelsen.

Regjeringen innfører en prøveordning med 300 stillinger totalt i universitets- og høyskolesektoren, innenfor alle fagområder. Utdanningsinstitusjonene kan søke om å få benytte ordningen.


EuroScience General Assembly 2014

When: July 14th, 2014

Where: At the EuroScience Open Forum, Dublin, Ireland

The goal of EuroScience is the promotion of European sciences and cultures by means of granting awards and funding workshops as well as to raise funds for international scientific cooperation, especially for the benefit of EuroScience.

EuroScience has presently 2.600 members in 40 European countries. The General Assembly shall be the sovereign body of the association; it shall consist of all members with the right to vote. Honorary members serve in an advisory capacity. It approves the association’s accounts and sets strategic guidelines for the two following years.

The General Assembly meets physically every other year (at ESOF). The virtual General Assembly is potentially permanent. The General Assembly elects 16 members of the Governing Board.

For more information about the general assembly and ESOF please follow the links.