Is obesity a causal factor of developing blood clots?

Av Søren Beck Jensen
Postdoktor ved TREC

It is well known to most people that obesity is detrimental to health and that cardiovascular disease is a main concern. You may wonder if overweight in itself is the cause of these diseases so that weight loss would in fact prevent disease from developing. A study by Lindstrõm and colleagues published in the scientific journal Human Genetics shows that obesity is indeed a cause in the development of venous thrombosis, or a blood clot.

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Immunsystemet sinker fjerningen av blodpropp

Av Ina Isabella Høiland
PhD-student ved TREC

T-celler er viktige celler i kroppens forsvarssystem. Disse cellene er med på å beskytte oss mot bakterier og andre ting som kan være farlige for vår helse. Paradoksalt nok kan disse cellene også være med på å forverre situasjoner som kan være farlige for oss, blant annet dannelsen av blodpropp. Dette var det noen forskere i Tyskland ville se nærmere på – de ville undersøke T-cellenes rolle i venøs blodpropp. Continue reading

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The risk of recurrent VTE is high in the first 2-months after stopping anticoagulants

By Nadia Arshad, PhD at TREC

Venous thrombosis (VTE) is a common term for blood clots in the deep veins of the body and/or in the lungs. Vitamin K antagonists (VKA) are within the group of blood-thinning medicines called anticoagulants, and are used to treat blood clots. A study accepted for publication in the Journal of Thrombosis and Hemostasis on 28th March 2016, discussed the risk of VTE recurrence (rVTE) during the first 2-months after stopping anticoagulants. Continue reading

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How does clot lysis time affect risk of a first or recurrent venous thrombosis?

By Robin Liang, PhD in TREC

There is a continuous search for finding laboratory markers that are associated with an increased risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE). While the focus has been mainly on procoagulant pathways that form the clot, there have been relatively few studies that

examine fibrinolytic (clot-breaking) activity in relation to the risk of VTE. Continue reading

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Does extended oral anticoagulation after a pulmonary embolism reduce recurrent venous thrombosis?

By Robin Liang, PhD in TREC

samtake med doktor3The ideal duration of anticoagulation following an unprovoked pulmonary embolism is controversial.

Studies have shown that after anticoagulant therapy is stopped after 3 or 6 months following an unprovoked venous thromboembolism (VTE), patients have a much higher risk than those VTE events provoked by known risk factors. Previous studies have shown that extended therapy reduces the risk in these high-risk patients, but whether this benefit is maintained in the long-term has not yet been investigated. Continue reading

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Proteins may help to diagnose venous thrombosis

Av Nadezhda Latysheva, overingeniør i TREC

Young Woman Having Blood Test DoneWhen someone goes to the emergency room with symptoms of venous thrombosis (blood clot) such as pain, swelling of the leg or shortness of breath and chest pain, D-dimer testing is often ordered.

It is a quick, non-invasive way to help rule out abnormal or excess clotting and to determine if further testing is necessary to help diagnose venous thrombosis. However, an elevated D-dimer does not always indicate the presence of a clot because a number of other factors can also cause an increased level. Therefore there is an urgent need for the establishment of new biomarkers which can help to accurately diagnose or rule out venous thrombosis. Continue reading

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Does thyroid dysfunction increase the risk of venous thrombosis?

By Gunhild Lerstad, MD/PhD in TREC

doktor samtaleSeveral studies have shown that thyroid dysfunction leads to increased risk of myocardial infarction and stroke. Only two studies have investigated the association between thyroid dysfunction and venous thrombosis. Both studies report that thyroid dysfunction is associated with an increased risk of venous thrombosis. Continue reading

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TREC Seminar 5-6. February 2015

By Helle Jørgensen, Advisor TREC

From 5-6th February we arranged our twice a year TREC seminar at beautiful Sommarøy outside Tromsø. The seminar aims to gather TREC members and partners to share knowledge and new ideas for research.IMG_0123

The seminar was a great success! Over forty participants, including our partners from University of North-Carolina, University of California San Diego, Leiden University Medical Centre and Oslo University Hospital joined us for two days filled with interesting presentations and inspiring discussions. Continue reading

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Is there any association between statin use and risk of venous thrombosis?

By Nadia Arshad, PhD TREC

medisin3A study published in British Medical Journal concludes that statins protect against first ever VTE events and that it might be a primary prevention tool for subjects without anticoagulation or antiplatelet medication.

In the study researchers have investigated the association between statin use and  incidence of venous thrombosis(VTE) in a population-based cohort study in Finland during the years 2000- 2011. Continue reading

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