TROLLing is an open repository for research data and statistical code in the field of
language and linguistics. The datasets in TROLLing are free to be accessed and used by
anyone. Our Community Norms as well as good scientific practices expect that proper credit is given via citation. TROLLing is part of DataverseNO, a Norwegian national repository for open research data. However, you do not need to be affiliated with a DataverseNO partner institution in order to upload your research data to TROLLing.

Before you provide your data to TROLLing, we strongly recommend you to read the following introduction on how to register and upload your data to TROLLing.

1 Get started

In order to publish your data in TROLLing you first need to create a TROLLing user account.

If your organization provides authentication through Feide, log in with Feide.
If your organization does not provide Feide authentication, log in with eduGAIN or with ORCID.

  • Log in with Feide: Go to DataverseNO/TROLLing, and click on Log In (in the upper right hand corner). To the right of Your Institution, select Feide – Norwegian educational institutions, and click on Continue. At first-time log-in, you are asked to approve Feide/Dataporten to forward user information about you. Once you have approved this request, a user account will be created for you in the DataverseNO repository. Note! If your institution uses Feide, but is not listed in the log-in menu, please ask the IT user support at your institution to activate Feide log-in for DataverseNO.
  • Log in with eduGAIN: Go to DataverseNO/TROLLing, and click on Log In (in the upper right hand corner). Under Other options, choose eduGAIN and click on Log in with eduGAIN. Choose International provider (eduGAIN) and look up your country and the name of your organization and click on Continue. Log in with your institutional credentials. Note! If your institution supports eduGAIN, but is not listed in the log-in menu, please ask the IT user support at your institution to activate eduGAIN log-in for DataverseNO.
  • Log in with ORCID: Go to DataverseNO/TROLLing, and click on Log In (in the upper right hand corner). Under Other options, choose ORCID and click on Create or Connect your ORCID. Log in with your ORCID username and password. If you do not have a ORCID account, you can create one by clicking on Register now.

Note! After log-in, a DataverseNO user account will be created for you, but you will not have deposit access yet. Fill in and submit this form to request deposit access. As a rule, your request will be processed within three working days. For questions, please contact the DataverseNO/TROLLing team at

2 Prepare your data

Before you deposit your data to TROLLing, please read section Prepare your data for depositing in our deposit guidelines. This section will guide you in preparing your data according to good practice.

3 Deposit your data

Once you are logged into TROLLing (see section 1 above), you can create a dataset draft by clicking on the Add Data button on the right hand side, and choose New Dataset. The further steps are described in the section Step 2: Deposit your data in our deposit guidelines.

4 Get your data published

  • Once you have entered all the necessary metadata and uploaded all the data files needed, click on Submit for Review. You will receive a notification from TROLLing that your dataset is submitted.
  • Once a TROLLing curator has approved your submission, you will be notified, and the dataset will be published and searchable open access.
  • If needed, you can modify metadata and/or data files after publication. This will create a new version of the dataset, which needs to be approved by a TROLLing curator. Note that previous versions are not deleted but archived a.
  • NB! Please note also that once a dataset is published, it is NOT possible to delete it. However, in certain cases the dataset can be deaccessed, which means that the data files no longer are openly available. But information about the dataset (author, title, description etc.) will still be visible.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please contact us at