Welcome to ViAN, the Visual Anthropology of the North webpage, a collaboration between UiT - The Arctic University of Norway, EUSP - European University of St. Petersburg, and UAF - The University of Alaska Fairbanks. These three institutions have collected ethnographic materials from across the circumpolar Arctic that is made available here to support students of Anthropology and provide study materials for existing courses offered by the collaborating universities.

Here you will find two portals to access our material:

Learning Tools

ViAN provides exclusive lectures developed by its academic team as resources for the wide range of courses offered to students in our university programs. Lectures are accompanied by audio/visual and textual materials. Access restricted to students.
Click Here "Learning Tools"

Visual Archives

A collection of selected films and visual materials that enable visitors to experience the cultures and anthropological history of the North, as well as to envision the ways in which its future is being shaped....
Click Here "Visual Archives"

About us

Our goal is to develop teaching modules in the field of Visual Anthropology based on established relationships between UiT – The Arctic University of Norway, EUSP – European University of St. Petersburg, and UAF – The University of Alaska Fairbanks. Drawing on the considerable expertise of the Project’s academic team, each member contributes their own distinctive competencies and resources to the Project.

The link between the practice of Visual Anthropology and the realities of circumpolar cultures is of great academic and political significance. The Arctic has become a region of international activities, intensive geopolitical relationships, and global environmental concerns.

The problems of the Arctic regions cannot be addressed without the active involvement of local populations.  While “community involvement” has become a political buzzword in both academia and business, the tradition of collaboration between ethnographers and local populations using visual methods (drawings, maps, photography and films) has a long history.

Our team

Contact us

Ask questions, send suggestions, or report a problem by contacting the project coordinator Prof. Trond Waage.