Mathematical Aspects of Information Transmission

Scientific work

Scientific work:

  • A polymatroid approach to generalized  weights of  rank metric codes, by Sudhir Ghorpade and Trygve Johnsen
  • Higher weight spectra of Veronese surface codes, by Trygve Johnsen and Hugues Verdure, IEEE Trans. info
  • Higher weight spectra of codes from Veronese threefolds, by Trygve Johnsen and Hugues Verdure
  • Pure resolutions,  linear codes, and Betti numbers, by Sudhir Ghorpade and Prasant Singh.
  • Maximum number of Fq-rational points on nonsingular threefold, by Mrinmoy Datta, FFA.
  • Relative profiles and extended weight polynomials of almost affine codes, by T. Johnsen and Hugues Verdure
  • Relative Generalized Hamming weights of affine Cartesian codes, Mrinmoy Datta
  • A note on Nullstellensatz over finite fields, by Sudhir Ghorpade, Contemporary Math.
  • Greedy weights for matroids, by Trygve Johnsen and Hugues Verdure
  • Point-line incidence on Grassmannians and majority logic decoding of Grassmann codes, by Peter Beelen and Prasant Singh
  • A proof of Sørensen’s conjecture on Hermitian surfaces, by Peter Beelen, Mrinmoy Datta and Masaaki Homma
  • Majority logic decoding for certain Schubert codes, using lines in Schubert varieties, by Prasant Singh
  • Some matroids related to sum-rank metric codes, by Avijit Panja, Rakhi Pratihar, Tovohery Hajatiana Randrianarisoa
  • Antipodal two-weight rank metric codes, by Rakhi Pratihar and Tovohery Hajatiana Randrianarisoa
  • Shellability and homology of q-complexes and q-matroids, by Sudhir R. Ghorpade, Rakhi Pratihar, Tovohery H. Randrianarisoa
  • Linear codes associated to symmetric determinantal varieties: Even rank case, by Peter Beelen, Trygve Johnsen, Prasant Singh
  • Codes from symmetric polynomials, by  Mrinmoy Datta and Trygve Johnsen
  • Weight spectra of Gabidulin rank-metric codes and Betti numbers, by Trygve Johnsen, Rakhi Pratihar, Hugues Verdure