How can I export the citation of a record or multiple records?
There are two ways to export the citation of a record and only one way to export citations of multiple records.
Way #1 to export the citation of a record:
- Open the “Description” tab of the record of your interest.
- Go “Cite this” button or “Export Record” button
- Choose the format that you want to use to export the citation.
Way #2 to export the citation of a record:
- First, do a search
- From the search results page, mark the checkbox of the record of interest
- From the “Export tab”, choose the format suites your reference manager and export the citation.
Way #1 to export citations of multiple records:
- First, do a search
- From the search results page, mark all the checkboxes of the records of interest
- From the “Export tab”, choose the format suites your reference manager and export the citation.