Only Quality Matters

Filmmaker: Cheikna Camara

Year of Production: 2001
Location: Mali
Sound: Mono
Duration: 30 minutes
Language: French
English Subtitles

This film highlights the ongoing transformation of the Malian society moving into the era of modernity and globalisation. It portrays a Malian woman named Mrs.Kebe Tantou(one example taken for many) running her own enterprise. Mrs. Kebe Tantou’s business consists of dyeing clothes made of “basin” and selling them in Bamako(Mali), and everywhere in the world. She has got clients in Africa, France, the United Arab Emirats and in the USA. In a wide range of scenes, Mrs.Kebe Tantou is shown the main actress around whom several other actors and actresses are rotating. Mrs.Kebe Tantou symbolises the independence of the Malian wives, and the Malian women entrepreneurs.

Copyright: 2001 Visual Cultural Studies, University of Tromsø

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