Selected Research Projects
“RUR-ED Spatial Inequalities and Spatial Justice in Education”, 2016-2022, Norwegian Research Council
“RUR-ED Rural futures and the institutions of higher education”, 2013-2014, SIU – Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education
“The dropout project. Research based knowledge for regional solutions”, 2010-2014, Tromsø Research Foundation/RDA Troms/University of Tromsø
”Pre-project: Vocational education and training – challenges in the Northern context”, 2010-2011, Norwegian Research Council
”Youth in Barents – work and welfare”, 2005-2009, Norwegian Research Council
”Learning environment and cultural encounters in school”, 2003-2008, Norwegian Research Council
“Evaluation of the project ‘Minority parents – a resource for children’s learning in school’”, 2005, Norwegian Directorate of Education
“The coordinated youth project – CYPRO”, crime prevention among youth – ongoing from 2021
“RELEMAST – RELEVANT Master in Teacher Education”, from 2016, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
“Indigenous peoples and multicultural societies”, 2010-2012, project collaboration between Center for Sami Studies, University of Tromsø, Norway and University of Montana, US
”The political and administrative top managements’ involvement in school and education within Norwegian boroughs and counties”, 2003-2004, Norwegian Ass. of Local and Regional Authorities (KS), senior researcher