

This page hosts resources relating to research data management and data citation.  Please feel free to use these materials in your own data management training and outreach (citing the original authors).

Reproducibility lexicon

Are you confused by all the terminology associated with reproducibility and open science? Check out this “Reproducibility Lexicon” and brush up on the terms you need to know.

Roettger, Timo B. (2019, January 29). Reproducibility Workshop Cologne. Retrieved from .

Talking points

Changing the way linguistics approaches the sharing and citing of primary data means changing traditional thinking about the role of data in research and their scholarly value. Here are FAQs and talking points for conveying a helpful and hopeful message to colleagues.

Henke, R. E., Dailey, M., & Hooshiar, K. (2017). Questions, curiosities and concerns: Talking points for data citation and attribution. Poster presented at the 91st Linguistics Society of America Annual Meeting, January 12-14, Austin, TX. Poster available for download here.

Position statement

“This paper is a position statement on reproducible research in linguistics, including data citation and attribution, that represents the collective views of some 41 colleagues. Reproducibility can play a key role in increasing verification and accountability in linguistic research, and is a hallmark of social science research that is currently under-represented in our field. We believe that we need to take time as a discipline to clearly articulate our expectations for how linguistic data are managed, cited, and maintained for long-term access.” (p. 1-2)

Berez-Kroeker, A. L., Gawne, L., Kung, S. S., Kelly, B. F., Heston, T., Holton, G., . . . Woodbury, A. C. (2018). Reproducible research in linguistics: A position statement on data citation and attribution in our field. Linguistics, 56(1), 1-18.