I have taught numerous courses from first-year intro courses to PhD seminars on topics such as First/Second/Ln/Bilingual language acquisition & attrition, Varieties of English, Syntax and morphology, etc. See below for a selection of courses.
Supervision – PhD dissertations
Englert, Charlotte. In progress. Working title: Der Erwerb der Verbzweitstellung im Dritt- und Viertspracherwerb. Universität Konstanz. (with Professors Tanja Kupisch and Georg Kaiser).
Jensen, Isabel Nadine. 2022. Crosslinguistic Influence in Third Language Acquisition. UiT The Arctic University of Norway. (with Professor Roumyana Slabakova)
Björnsdóttir, Sigríður. 2021. Discovering gender and inflection. A view from Icelandic. UiT The Arctic University of Norway. (with Professor Terje Lohndal)
Larsen, Tina L. Ringstad. 2021. Acquiring variation: A study of children’s and adults’ embedded clause word orders in Norwegian – distribution, development and effects. NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology. (with Professor Kristin M. Eide and Associate Professor Dave Kush)
Velnic, Marta. 2018. Ditransitive Structures in Croatian Adult and Child Language: The role of animacy and givenness. UiT The Arctic University of Norway. (with Professor Merete Anderssen)
Shunack, Silke. 2016. Processing of non-canonical word orders in an L2: When small changes make no big difference. PRIM – Potsdam Research Institute for Multilingualism. (with Professor Claudia Felser).
Castro, Tammer. 2016. Heritage and adult L2 acquisition of empty categories in a bidialectal/bilingual context: Brazilian and European Portuguese in contact. UiT The Arctic University of Norway. (with Professor Jason Rothman)
Mitrofanova, Natalia. 2016. Paths and Places: Aspects of Grammar and Acquisition. The Arctic University of Norway. (with Professor Peter Svenonius)
Urek, Olga. 2016. Palatalization in Latvian. UiT The Arctic University of Norway. (with Professor Martin Krämer)
Wolleb, Anna. 2015. Syntactic representations in the bilingual mind: the role of executive function and pragmatics in cross-language priming. UiT The Arctic University of Norway. (with Professor Antonella Sorace, University of Edinburgh)
Røreng, Anita. 2011. Die deutsche Doppelobjektkonstruktion: Eine korpusbasierte Untersuchung zur relativen Abfolge nominaler Akkusativ- und Dativobjekte im geschriebenen Deutsch. University of Tromsø. (with Professor Olaf Westvik, UiT and Professor Jorunn Hetland, NTNU)
Haukås, Åsta. 2009. Frequenz, Transfer und/oder Grammatikunterricht? Der L2-Erwerb des deutschen hypothetischen Konditionalgefüges aus kognitiv linguistischer Sicht. [Frequency, transfer and/or grammar instruction? The L2 acquisition of the German hypothetical conditional from a cognitive linguistics perspective.] University of Tromsø. (with Associate Professor Beate Lindemann)
Rodina, Yulia. 2008. Semantics and Morphology: The Acquisition of Grammatical Gender in Russian. University of Tromsø. (with Professor Tore Nesset)
Supervision – Masters theses
Asghari, Marjan. 2024. Crosslinguistic Influence in Third Language Acquisition: CLI in L3 English acquisition of Persian-Mazandarani bilinguals. UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
Jazayeriasl, Ashwagh. 2024. Cross-linguistic Influence in Third Language Acquisition: Acquisition of an artificial language by Arabic-English bilinguals. UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
Lazarou, Grigoria. 2024. The Acquisition of Aspect in L2 English by Greek speakers: A Feature Reassembly Approach. UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
Mathiesen, Fredrikke Leinan. 2024. The impact of Extramural English on Norwegian lower secondary school students ́ English vocabulary and grammar. UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
Bahrani, Bentholhoda. 2024. Crosslinguistic Influence in L3A: Acquisition of English as a Foreign Language by Arabic, Norwegian and Arabic-Norwegian Adolescents. UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
Nazari, Parisa. 2023. Cross-linguistic influence in the acquisition of a third language: Acquisition of an artificial language by Persian-English bilinguals. UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
Dehooei, Farnoosh Abdollahi. 2022. Crosslinguistic Influence in L3 Acquisition of English by Persian heritage speakers in Norway. UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
Øien, Dina Jakobsen. In progress. Topic: L3 Acquisition in the Classroom. UiT The Arctic University of NOrway.
Rajabi, Melika. 2022. L2 Acquisition of English by Persian L1 Speakers. Comparing Morphology, Syntax and Semantics. UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
Stevens, Dashiel Naea. 2021. Ab Initio Adult Third Language Acquisition Transfer source selection and effects of CLI in acquisition of an artificial language. UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
Son, Minjeong. 2020. Subject-verb agreement in written English by L1 Norwegian university students: Error patterns, causes, and implication for teaching. UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
Kalstad, Pål Hunstad. 2019. Child second language acquisition without communication. UiT The Arctic Unversity of Norway.
Brattsti, Fredrick. 2019. The acquisition of word order in yes/no and wh- questions: A case study of an unbalanced bilingual. UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
Kwame, Abukari. 2018. Acquisition of L2 English articles among L1 Dagbani speakers: L1 Transfer or Fluctuation? UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
Gorgone, Paula. 2018. The acquisition of English as an L3 by Catalan/Spanish bilinguals. UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
Bakkevoll, Audun. 2018. Media habits vs. English proficiency: A study of L1 Norwegian primary school children. UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
Andersen, Daniel Flakowski. 2017. The effect of media habits on English proficiency: A study of L1 Norwegian teenagers. UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
Jensen, Mirjam. 2017. Investigating the Bottleneck Hypothesis in Second Language Acquisition: The acquisition of narrow syntax and functional morphology among Norwegian L2 learners of English. UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
Basnet, Lila. 2017. Acquisition of subject-verb agreement and word order by Nepali learners of English: The Bottleneck Hypothesis in L2 acquisition. UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
Jensen, Isabel Nadine. 2016. The Bottleneck Hypothesis in L2 acquisition: Norwegian L1 speakers’ knowledge of syntax and morphology in English L2. UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
Didriksen, Jelena. 2016. The acquisition of Norwegian Object Shift by Ln learners. UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
Stagelund, Annette Mygind Stagelund. 2016. The Effect of Norwegian Dyslexia Friendly Schools: The acquisition of L2 English in 6th and 7th grade. UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
Tsegaye, Hiwot. 2011. The Transfer of Word Order by Native Speakers of Amharic Learning English. University of Tromsø. (with Associate Professor Thomas McFadden)
Caglar-Ryeng, Ömür. 2010. Morphological Awareness Skills of Norwegian Adolescent Dyslexics Acquiring English as a Second Language. University of Tromsø.
Tamási, Katalin. 2010. Segment Interactions in Autism. University of Tromsø. (with Senior Researcher Bruce Morén-Duolljá)
Rahman, Syed Shahrier. 2010. Wh-Question and Focus Construction in Bengali: Word Order Variation and Acquisition. University of Tromsø. (with Professor Gillian Ramchand)
Hui, Ding. 2010. A Study on Adult Chinese Acquiring Norwegian Word Order. University of Tromsø. (with Associate Professor Thomas McFadden)
Maksimova, Irina. 2009. Production of articles and monosyllabic prepositions in early child English: a prosodic account. University of Tromsø. (with Associate Professor Martin Krämer)
Bjermeland, Lene Kristin Brevik. 2005. Age, Input and Proficiency Levels in Child Foreign Language Learning in Norwegian Schools. Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU. (with Professor Mila Vulchanova)
Zdorenko, Tatiana. 2005. The Acquisition of Subjects in English and Russian. University of Tromsø.
Zyryanova, Marina. 2005. The Acquisition of Wh-Questions in Russian and English: The Presence of Pragmatics. University of Tromsø.
Borge, Aud Inger Nilsen. 2005. Acquisition of Adverb and Verb Placement in Norwegian Learners of English: A Study on Learner Language and the Effectiveness of Teaching. University of Tromsø.
Filiouchkina, Maria. 2003. How Tense and Aspect are acquired: a cross-linguistic analysis of child Russian and English. University of Tromsø.
Diakonova, Marina. 2003. The Acquisition of Word Order in English and Russian. University of Tromsø.
Rodina, Yulia. 2003. Acquisition of Verbal Possession in English. Tromsø. University of Tromsø.
Evtyukhin, Sergey. 2003. Incidental Acquisition of English Phrasal Verbs by Norwegian and Russian Native Speakers. University of Tromsø.
Jensvoll, Maja Henriette. 2002. The Acquisition of Past Tense in English/Norwegian Bilingual Children: Single versus Dual Mechanisms. Cand. philol. thesis, University of Tromsø.
Bentzen, Kristine. 2000. ’I like not it like du like it!’ A case study of language transfer in bilingual first language acquisition. Cand. philol. thesis, University of Tromsø.
Dahl, Anne. 2000. Unlearning: On the Acquisition of Case Absorption Effects in English Passives by Native Speakers of Norwegian. Cand. philol. thesis, University of Tromsø.
Anderssen, Merete. 1995. The Acquisition of Functional Categories. Cand. philol. thesis, University of Tromsø.
Ashigbie, Livingstone. 1995. First Language and Developmental Influences in Second Language Acquisition and Use: A Cross-Sectional Study of Ghanaian and Norwegian Learners’ Acquisition and Use of the English Articles. Cand. philol. thesis, University of Tromsø. (with Professor Waldemar Marton)
Waara, Renee Hilda. 1992. Syntactic and Thematic Structures in English Passives. Cand. philol. thesis, University of Tromsø.
PhD seminars in Language Acquisition/Attrition (selection)
Spring 2018: PhD seminar, LAVA research group, L2/L3/Ln Acquisition (with Jason Rothman & Roumyana Slabakova)
Fall 2017: PhD seminar, LAVA research group, Child and Adult Heritage Speakers (with Tanja Kupisch & Jason Rothman)
Fall 2016: PhD seminar, LAVA research group, Bilingualism/L2A (with Tanja Kupisch & Jason Rothman)
Fall 2015: PhD seminar, CASTL Graduate School, Language Acquisition (with Merete Anderssen)
Fall 2013: PhD seminar, CASTL Graduate School, Topics in Bilingualism
Courses in English linguistics taught at UiT (selection)
- Varieties of English, graduate course (3000-level), 2018, 2022.
- Second Language Acquisition, graduate course (3000-level): 2009, 2015, 2016, 2018.
- First Language Acquisition, graduate course (3000-level): 2004, 2005.
- Language Acquisition, graduate course (3000-level): 1997, 2000, 2002, 2003.
- Second Language Acquisition, intermediate course (2000-level): 2015.
- Language Acquisition, intermediate course (2000-level): 1997, 1998, 1999, 2002.
- English Grammar and Introduction to Linguistics, (1000-level): 1995-1999, 2001-2002, 2008.
Courses taught at other institutions
- SPRÅK-3000 Language Acquisition (English), NTNU, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim: Fall semester 2009.
- ENG-2153 First and Second Language Acquisition, NTNU, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim: Spring semester 2005.
- Issues in 1st and 2nd Language Acquisition, St. Olaf College, USA: Interim 2001, and summers 2002 and 2003.