- Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia, “Photonic chip based super-resolution optical microscopy for life science & medical biology”, Photonics enabled by Artificial intelligence, or vice versa? online seminar at Tekna.
- Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia, “Nanoscopy-on-a-chip”, photonics seminar: Center for Nano- and Biophotonics at the Ghent University, Belgium 2021.
- Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia, “Photonic chip enabled fluoroscence nanoscopy”, seminar at Photonic Engineering Division, Institute of Micromechanics and Photonics, Warsaw University of Technology 2021.lly sensitive single-shot quantitative phase microscopy.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.06674 (2020).
- Vishesh Kumar Dubey and Luis E. Villegas-Hernández, “Photonic-chip: a multimodal super-resolution imaging tool for histopathology”, Oral presentation, Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics (ICGI), Radium Hospital, Oslo, Oct. 2021
- Vishesh Kumar Dubey, “Photonic-chip based optical nanoscopy for multimodal imaging of histopathology samples” SCANDEM 2021, June 2021.
- Luis E. Villegas- Hernández, “Fluorescence-based super-resolution approaches for placental research”. Oral presentation. Placenta research group seminar at UiT. May 2021.
- Luis E. Villegas-Hernández, “Photonic-chip: a multimodal imaging tool for histopathology”. Oral presentation. OSA Biophotonics Congress: Optics in the Life Sciences. April 2021.
- Luis E. Villegas-Hernández, “High-throughput and high-resolution pathology using chip-based nanoscopy”. Oral presentation. Next-generation live-cell microscopy. Tromsø, Norway. February 2020.
- Vishesh Kumar Dubey, “Optical Nanoscopy at UiT The Arctic University of Norway” Research meeting, Tel Aviv University Israel. January 2020.