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The acronym R-E-S-C-A-P-E  stands for Research – Education – Sources – Creativity – Arts – Performances – Engagement. RESCAPE was established in 2017 and refers to the long-lasting academic and artistic collaboration between Lilli Mittner, Lena Haselmann, and Janke Klok who are all committed to interdisciplinary arts-based research. 

Corpuses of knowledge are increasingly presented multimodally, yet their interrelations are rarely researched multimodally. By making use of space-time-matter cuts we explore new forms of generating and mediating knowledge through materialized artistic practices.  Creating what we call dramatic assemblages makes it possible to handle our material differently, to give a voice to who/what has not been heard so far, and to create new modes of listening. We have experienced that RESCAPE engages audiences in novel ways, enhances people’s understanding of normative complexities, and creates new questions. In the dramatic assemblage, we make use of co-creativity, playfulness, fiction, everyday life experiences, and imagination. 

© RESCAPE 2023