How to Get There

~no: Hurtigruten med Tromsdalstinden ~en: Coastal Steamer with T

By air

Trom­sø is sit­u­at­ed at almost 70 degrees north, far above the Arc­tic Cir­cle. If you are trav­el­ling to Trom­sø from abroad, Oslo is the hub. There are sev­er­al dai­ly flights from Oslo Air­port Gar­der­moen to Trom­sø. The flight time is 1 h. 50 min. Trom­sø’s air­port code is TOS.

Major air­lines con­nect­ing U.S./Canada and Nor­way are SAS, KLM, Lufthansa, Ice­landair, Air France and Air Cana­da. From Europe, there are flights to Oslo from var­i­ous air­ports includ­ing Lon­don, Man­ches­ter, Munich, Frank­furt, Ham­burg, Düs­sel­dorf, Ams­ter­dam, Brus­sels, Paris, Helsin­ki, Stock­holm, Copen­hagen, Reyk­javik, Milan, Madrid, Prague, Riga, War­saw, Budapest, and Vienna.

Trom­sø Inter­na­tion­al Air­port is sit­u­at­ed 5 km from the town cen­tre. There are flights to all major cities and towns in Nor­way, includ­ing Spits­ber­gen, as well as inter­na­tion­al flights accord­ing to season.

You can book domes­tic flights through the air­lines Nor­we­gian Air Shut­tle (NAS) or Scan­di­na­vian Air­lines (SAS).

Air­port express bus­es run to all major hotels in the city cen­ter, and some also direct­ly to the Uni­ver­si­ty cam­pus. (If you are going to the Scan­dic hotel, please noti­fy the dri­ver). Taxis: Join the queue out­side, make sure you are vis­i­ble to the cam­era if there are no taxis wait­ing, and a taxi will arrive short­ly. Phone num­ber: 77 60 30 00. Cost to the town cen­ter: Approx­i­mate­ly NOK 150–200.

By car

For direc­tions, check Google maps.

By boat

The Coastal Steam­er (Hur­tigruten) is gen­er­al­ly con­sid­ered to be the world’s most beau­ti­ful voy­age, and is an excel­lent way of going to Trom­sø — if you have the time and the mon­ey. The Costal Steam­er sails from Bergen (north­bound) and Kirkenes (south­bound) every day. Check Hur­tigruten for more information.

By bus

Express bus­es con­nect Trom­sø and major cities in North­ern Nor­way, espe­cial­ly Narvik (appr. 4 hours), from where you can go by train to Stock­holm (if you have more time than mon­ey). For sched­ules, check Nor­Way Bus Express.

By train

Yes, there is a Trom­sø rail­way sta­tion. It’s a pub. (In oth­er words, no trains to Tromsø.)


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