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We invite paper abstracts for 30 minute presentations (incl. discussion) in all areas of research on bidialectalism including, but not limited to, structural linguistics, language acquisition, sociolinguistics, education, psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, and clinical linguistics. Topics addressed at the workshop may include for instance:
- linguistic constraints and structural variation
- code-switching
- acquisition and learning of closely related linguistic varieties
- bidialectal comprehension and production
- bidialectalism across the lifespan
- language processing in bidialectal speakers
- bidialectal education
- the role of literacy and formal instruction
- methodological issues
The deadline for submissions is May 1st 2017 May 20th 2017 (extended deadline!). Abstract submissions must fit on one A4 page, written in Times New Roman script, 12 point font. A second, optional page can be used for references, charts/tables of data and for examples of experimental methodology only. Abstracts will be peer-reviewed. We expect to inform authors of the outcome of the peer review by early June 2017.