Jørgen Berge

Jørgen Berge is a professor in marine ecology at UiT The Arctic University of Norway since 2012. He also holds an adjunct professor position at The University Centre in Svalbard and from 2018 at the Centre for Autonomous Marine Operations and Systems (AMOIS) at NTNU. His research focuses on Arctic marine ecosystems, with a special focus on pelagic processes and how light regulate biological activity throughout all seasons. He is currently operation marine observatories in two fjords on Svalbard (since 2002) and developing new ice-tethered platforms for bio-physical monitoring of ice covered waters.

Email: jorgen.berge@uit.no

Publications: https://scholar.google.ca/citations?user=_HxJmtUAAAAJ&hl=en

Webpage: www.mare-incognitum.no

Bodil Bluhm

Bodil Bluhm is a professor in marine ecology at UiT – The Arctic University of Norway and Affiliate Faculty at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Her research deals with the structure and function of Arctic marine benthic and sea ice communities in relation to environmental forcing. She is particularly interested in biodiversity, food webs, cryo-benthic-pelagic coupling, and aspects of invertebrate life cycles at regional and pan-Arctic levels. Since 1995, her field work has taken her to Amerasian and Eurasian Arctic shelves, Svalbard and Canadian Arctic Archipelagos and the Canada Basin.

Email: bodil.bluhm@uit.no

Publications: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=pZuwpnMAAAAJ&cstart=0&pagesize=20

Website: https://uit.no/om/enhet/ansatte/person?p_document_id=384289&p_dimension_id=88163

Rolf Gradinger

Rolf Gradinger is a professor in marine ecology at UiT since 2016. His research focuses on Arctic sea ice and phytoplankton primary productivity, algal diversity, vertical flux and microbial networks, and Arctic marine ecosystems in general. He is a field going researcher participating in Arctic expeditions since 1984. He had been involved in the Bering Sea Ecosystems Study and the Shelf Basin exchange programs during his tenure at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. He teaches marine ecology and botany courses.

Email: rolf.gradinger@uit.no

Publ: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=1RKfeo0AAAAJ

Marit Reigstad

Marit Reigstad is a professor in marine ecology at UiT The Arctic University of Norway. Her research interests include productivity, plankton and their fate in marine ecosystems, with a special interest for how vertical flux is regulated by both biological communities as well as physical and biological processes. Reigstad has since 2000 been working in ice-impacted areas including the Barents Sea, the shelf and slope west and north of Svalbard and the East Greenland shelf. She is currently leading the national research project The Nansen Legacy, a large multidisciplinary research project with focus on the northern Barents Sea and adjacent areas.

Email: marit.reigstad@uit.no

Publications: https://scholar.google.no/citations?user=ZHk7RAgAAAAJ&hl=no

Website: https://en.uit.no/om/enhet/ansatte/person?p_document_id=41356&p_dimension_id=88165

Paul Wassmann

Paul Wassmann is a professor in marine ecology at UiT – The Arctic University of Norway. His research deals with the structure and function of Arctic marine ecosystems, vertical flux regulation in relation to environmental forcing and pelagic-benthic coupling.  He is also interested in physical-biological coupled hindcast and forecast models.  He has particularly engaged himself in activities to support endevours that promote pan-Arctic marine ecosystem integration.  Since 1984 his Arctic field work has mainly focussed on the Barents Sea, Fram Straight and the slopes of the northern Svalbard shelf.

Email: paul.wassmann@ui.no

Publications: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=-OG1ndgAAAAJ&hl=en

Website: https://uit.no/om/enhet/ansatte/person?p_document_id=41375&p_dimension_id=88165