The group is responsible for teaching courses in the Health Technology track of the Computer Science Master’s program, and courses in the new experience based Master’s program in Digital Health Services (Erfaringsbasert master i digitale helsetjenester).
Current courses
INF-3780 “Computer Science Clinic: Physical and Virtual Environments”Credit: 10 ECTS. Level: Master. Link.
INF-3770 “Computer Science in Health Technology”, Credit: 10 ECTS. Level: Master. Link.
INF-2710 “Mobile health systems and applications”, Credit: 10 ECTS. Level: Bachelor. Link
INF-3801 “Health informatics”. Credit: 10 ECTS. Level: Master. Link
INF-3802 “E-heath and digital home monitoring”. Credit: 10 ECTS. Level: Master. Link
INF-3803 “Mobile health applications and systems”. Credit: 10 ECTS. Level: Master. Link
INF-3804 “Advanced Telemedicine and e-health systems”. Credit: 10 ECTS. Level: Master. Link
Upcoming courses
INF-3805 “Research seminar”. Credit: 10 ECTS. Level: Master.
INF-3806 “Research methods, ethics, security and privacy”. Credit: 10 ECTS. Level: Master.
Examples of previous courses include:
INF-3790 “Electronic Health Records”, Credit: 5 ECTS. Level: Master/PhD.
INF-3791 “Telemedicine and e-health systems”, Credit: 10 ECTS. Level: Master/PhD.
INF-3792 “Medical informatics”, Credit: 10 ECTS. Level: Master/PhD.
INF-3793 “Medical informatics 2”, Credit: 10 ECTS. Level: Master/PhD.
INF-3795 “Advance course in telemedicine and e-health systems”, Credit: 10 ECTS. Level: Master/PhD.
INF-3993 “Individual Special Curriculum in Computer Science” (Topic: Image-guided surgery), Credit: 10 ECTS. Level: Master.
INF-3993 “Individual Special Curriculum in Computer Science” (Topic: IMIA Yearbook selected papers), Credit: 10 ECTS. Level: Master.
INF-3993 “Individual Special Curriculum – Master’s Degree”. (Topic: “Functionality of a non-medical devices for physical activity”), Credit: 10 ECTS. Level: Master.
INF-8810 “PhD Special Curriculum in Computer Science” (Topic: Advanced mHealth Technology), Credit: 10 ECTS.
INF-8790 “Advanced topics in medical informatics”, Credit: 10 ECTS.
INF-8815 “Advanced topics in medical informatics”, Credit: 15 ECTS.
INF-8805 “Philosophy and ethics within the academic discipline of computer science”, 5 ECTS.
INF-3805 “PhD Special Curriculum in Computer Science” (Topic: Natural Language Processing), 5 ECTS.
INF-8810 “PhD Special Curriculum in Computer Science” (Topic: The role of game mechanics/genres in indoor cycling exergames), 10 ECTS.
INF-8802 “PhD Special Curriculum in Computer Science” (Topic: Literature review and state-of-the-art survey of self-monitoring medical sensors and technology that can detect change in an individual’s health), Credit: 2 ECTS.