Å. Fredriksen, H L Pecseli, J K Trulsen,
‘A solvable model for the basic properties of a simple magnetized plasma torus.’
Plasma Phys. Contr. Fusion 60,085021, doi: 10.1088/1361-6587/aacd2a. (2018).
A S Bergsaker, A Fredriksen, H L Pécseli, J K Trulsen,
‘Models for the probability densities of the turbulent plasma flux in magnetized plasmas’
Phys. Scr. 90, 108005 (2015)
L Fattorini, Å. Fredriksen, H L Pécseli C Riccardi, J K Trulsen,
‘Turbulent transport in a toroidal magnetized plasma’,
Plasma Phys. Contr. Fusion, 54, 085017 (2012)
On top ten list of most downloaded publications 2012, and selected in Highlights of 2012 Collection: “The 20 handpicked articles represent the best published research in 2012, including review articles and regular papers. Each article received an excellent response from the community, and has also been highly downloaded throughout 2012.”
Riccardi, R. Barni, H.E. Roman, and Å. Fredriksen,
‘Anomalous fluctuations in the simple magnetized plasma devices Thorello and Blaamann’ in‘Anomalous Fluctuations in Complex Systems: Plasmas, Fluids and Financial Markets’,
Eds: C. Riccardi, and H.E. Roman, Special Review Book for Research Signpost, Transworld Research Network, Kerala, India,
ISBN 978-81-308-0255-8, Ch5, 123-144 (2008)
Å. Fredriksen, H. Pécseli, and J. Trulsen,
‘Crash and recovery of the potential in a toroidal plasma column, as observed by generalized conditional sampling’,
New J. Phys. 10 033030 (2008)
Å. Fredriksen, C. Riccardi, and S. Magni,
‘Effects of Edge DC Biasing on Plasma Rotation and Transport in a Toroidal
Phys. Scr. T122 11–14 (2006)
Rypdal K, Ratynskaia S
Plasma profiles, waves and anomalous transport in a purely toroidal plasma modified by a biased internal anode
PHYSICA SCRIPTA T122 52-65 (2006)
Rypdal K, Ratynskaia S
Onset of turbulence and profile resilience in the Helimak configuration
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 94, 225002 , (2005)
Riccardi C, Barni R, Fredriksen A
Determination of velocity shears in a simple magnetized torus by means of a combined Langmuir and Mach probe
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 75, 4341-4343 Part 2, (2004)
Rypdal K, Ratynskaia S
Fluctuation threshold and profile resilience in weakly ionized plasma in a curved, unsheared magnetic field
Phys Plasmas 11, 4623-4633 (2004)
Fredriksen A, Riccardi C, Cartegni L, et al.
Response to “Comment on ‘Statistical analysis of turbulent flux and intermittency in the nonfusion magnetoplasma Blaamann’ “[Phys. Plasmas 11, 3679 (2004)]
Phys Plasmas 11, 3682-3683 (2004)
Rypdal K, Ratynskaia S
Comment on “Statistical analysis of turbulent flux and intermittency in the nonfusion magnetoplasma Blaamann” [Phys. Plasmas 10, 4335 (2003)]
Phys Plasmas 11, 3679-3681 (2004)
Fredriksen, Å, C. Riccardi, L. Cartegni, D. Draghi, R. Trasarti-Battistoni, and H. E. Roman,
Statistical analysis of turbulent flux and intermittency in the non-fusion magnetoplasma Blaamann,
Phys. Plasmas, 10, 4335 (2003)
Garcia, OE
Collective motions in non-uniformly magnetized plasmas
Eur. J. Phys., 24 331 (2003)
K. Rypdal and S. Ratynskaia,
Statistics of low-frequency plasma fluctuations in a simple magnetized torus
Phys.Plasmas 10, 2686 (2003)
Å. Fredriksen, C. Riccardi, and L. Cartegni, and H. Pécseli
Coherent structures, transport and intermittency in a magnetized plasma
Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, 45: 721 (2003)
Bian, N; Benkadda, S; Garcia, OE; Paulsen JV, Garbet X
The quasilinear behavior of convective turbulence with sheared flows
Phys Plasmas, 10 1382 (2003)
Bian, N; Benkadda, S; Paulsen JV, Garcia OE
Blobs and front propagation in the scrape-off layer of magnetic confinement devices
Phys. Plasmas, 10 671 (2003)
K. Rypdal, J.-V. Paulsen, O. E. Garcia, S. V. Ratynskaia, and V. I. Demidov,
Non-equilibrium quasi-stationary states in a magnetized plasma
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 10, 139 (2003)
O. E. Garcia, N. H. Bian, J.-V Paulsen, S. Benkadda, and K. Rypdal,
Confinement and bursty transport in a flux-driven convection model with sheared flows
Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 45, 919 (2003)
Å. Fredriksen, C. Riccardi, and L. Cartegni
Measurements of coherent structures and transport in the full cross section of magnetized plasma
Rev. Sci Instrum, 74: 1588 (2003)
Ratynskaia,-S.-V.; Demidov,-V.-I.; Rypdal,-K.
Probe measurements of low-frequency plasma potential and electric field fluctuations in a magnetized plasma
Physics-of-Plasmas. Oct. ; 9(10): 4135 (2002)
Ratynskaia,-S.-V.; Demidov,-V.-I.; Rypdal,-K.
Measurements of anomalous particle and energy fluxes in a magnetized plasma
Physical-Review-E. June 2002; 65(6): 066403/1-9
Ratynskaia,-S.-V.; Demidov,-V.-I.; Rypdal,-K.
Probe measurements of ion energy distributions in a magnetized plasma
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 73, 4232 (2002)
Demidov,-V.-I.; Ratynskaia,-S.-V.; Rypdal,-K.
Electric probes for plasmas: The link between theory and instrument
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 73, 3409 (2002)
Two-field transport models for magnetized plasmas
Journal-of-Plasma-Physics. 65, 81 (2001)
Fredriksen-A; Riccardi-C; Longoni-G
Diagnostic of electron temperature fluctuations in a turbulent plasma
Review-of-Scientific-Instruments. 72, 457 (2001)
Riccardi-C; Fredriksen-A
Waves and coherent structures in the turbulent plasma of a simple magnetized torus
Physics-of-Plasmas. 8, 199 (2001)
Demidov-VI; Ratynskaia-SV; Rypdal-K
Reducing influence of ion current on measurements of electron energy distributions in collisional plasmas
Review-of-Scientific-Instruments. 72, .4106 (2001)
Demidov-V; Ratynskaia-SV; Rypdal-K
The analysis of probe I-V characteristics in a magnetized low-temperature plasma
Contributions-to-Plasma-Physics.41, 443 (2001)
Ratynskaia-SV; Rypdal-K; Demidov-VI
Measurements of plasma potential and electron temperature fluctuation in a low-temperature magnetized plasma
Contributions-to-Plasma-Physics. 41, 449 (2001)
Paulsen-J-V; Rypdal-K; Garcia-OE; Olsen-OM
Anomalous transport in the simple torus
Physica-Scripta-Volume-T. vol.T84; 2000; p.203-5
Ratynskaia-SV; Demidov-VI; Rypdal-K
A probe for measurements of electrostatic fluctuations in a low-temperature magnetized plasma
Review-of-Scientific-Instruments. vol.71, no.3; March 2000; p.1367-9
Self-organized states in sustained toroidal pinches
Physics-of-Plasmas. vol.7, no.10; Oct. 2000; p.4031-42
Ratynskaia-SV; Demidov-VI; Rypdal-K
Probe measurements of electron temperature and density in strongly magnetized plasma
Review-of-Scientific-Instruments. vol.71, no.9; Sept. 2000; p.3382-http://link.aip.org/link/?RSI/71/3382
Demidov-VI; Ratynskaia-SV; Armstrong-RJ; Rypdal-K
Probe measurements of electron energy distributions in a strongly
magnetized low-pressure helium plasma
Physics-of-Plasmas. vol.6, no.1; Jan. 1999; p.350-8
Demidov-VI; Ratynskaia-SV; Rypdal-K
An electrostatic probe with end plugs for measurements in a magnetized plasma
Review-of-Scientific-Instruments. vol.70, no.11; Nov. 1999; p.4266-9
Øynes-FJ; Olsen-O-M; Pecseli-HL; Fredriksen-A; Rypdal-K
Experimental study of low-frequency electrostatic fluctuations in a
magnetized toroidal plasma
Physical-Review-E. vol.57, no.2; Feb. 1998; p.2242-55
Rypdal-K; Paulsen-JV; Garcia-OE
Investigation of forced turbulence and transport in toroidal magnetized plasmas
Czechoslovak-Journal-of-Physics. vol.48, suppl., pt.S2; 1998; p.207-12
Demidov-VI; Ratynskaia-SV; Armstrong-R; Rypdal-K
The analysis of probe I-V characteristics in the presence of a magnetic field
Czechoslovak-Journal-of-Physics. vol.48, suppl., pt.S2; 1998; p.275-80
Rypdal-K; Fredriksen-A; Olsen-OM; Hellblom-KG
Microwave-plasma in a simple magnetized torus
Physics-of-Plasmas. vol.4, no.5, pt.1; May 1997; p.1468-80
Rypdal-K; Garcia-OE; Paulsen-J-V
Anomalous cross-field current and fluctuating equilibrium of magnetized plasmas
Physical-Review-Letters. vol.79, no.10; 8 Sept. 1997; p.1857-60
Rypdal-K; Brundtland-T
The Birkeland terrella experiments and their importance for the modern
synergy of laboratory and space plasma physics
Journal-de-Physique-IV-(Colloque). vol.7, no.C4; Oct. 1997; p.113-32
Armstrong-R; Fredriksen-A; Granvoll-E; Batani-D; Galassi-A; Pisani-F
Measurements of ion temperature in weakly ionized, steady-state plasmas
Physics-Essays. vol.10, no.3; Sept. 1997; p.483-91
Rypdal-K; Fredriksen-H; Paulsen-JV; Olsen-OM
Coherent structures in the turbulent equilibrium of the simple magnetized torus
Physica-Scripta-Volume-T. vol.T63; 1996; p.167-73
Gronvoll-E; Trulsen-J; Armstrong-RJ
Electrostatic ion-Bernstein waves in the Blaamann device
Plasma-Physics-and-Controlled-Fusion. vol.37, no.11; Nov. 1995; p.1263-75
Rypdal-K; Paulsen-JV; Fredriksen-H
Magneto-inertial confinement of turbulent plasma
Journal-de-Physique-IV-(Colloque). vol.5, no.6; Oct. 1995; p.137-40
Oynes-FJ; Pecseli-HL; Rypdal-K
Physical-Review-Letters. vol.75, no.1; 3 July 1995; p.81-4
Fluctuations in a magnetized toroidal plasma without rotational transform
Rypdal-K; Gronvoll-E; Oynes-F; Fredriksen-A; Armstrong-RJ; Trulsen-J; Pecseli-HL
Confinement and turbulent transport in a plasma torus with no rotational transform
Plasma-Physics-and-Controlled-Fusion. vol.36, no.7; July 1994; p.1099-114
Rypdal-K; Oynes-F
Bispectral analysis: a tool for diagnosing nonlinear coherence in turbulence
Physics-Letters-A. vol.184, no.1; 27 Dec. 1993; p.114-18
Armstrong-RJ; Liland-K-B; Trulsen-J
Plasma simulation of a Langmuir probe with normal magnetic field
Physica-D. vol.60, no.1-4; 1 Nov. 1992; p.160-4