Publications related to Njord

Publications in refereed journals and proceedings journals:


E. Varberg, Å. Fredriksen,
‘Effect of permanent magnets on plasma confinement and ion beam properties in a double layer helicon plasma source’,
J. Plasma Phys., (2019), 85, 905850310. doi:10.1017/S0022377819000412


N. Gulbrandsen, Å. Fredriksen,
‘RFEA Measurements of High-Energy Electrons in a Helicon Plasma Device with Expanding Magnetic Field’,


N. Gulbrandsen, Å. Fredriksen, J. Carr Jr., and E. Scime,
‘A comparison of ion beam measurements by retarding field energy analyzer and laser induced fluorescence in helicon plasma devices’,
Phys. Plasmas 22, 033505 (2015).


N. Gulbrandsen, W. J. Miloch, and Å. Fredriksen,
‘Interpretation of ion velocity distributions measured with a grounded retarding field energy analyzer (RFEA) in an inductively coupled helicon plasma.’
Contrib. Plasma Phys., 53, 27 (2013).


Å. Fredriksen, N. Gulbrandsen, W.J. Miloch, L. N. Mishra,
‘On the use of a retarding field energy analyzer for plasma flow analysis’,
Proceedings of 9th International Workshop on Electrical Probes in Magnetized Plasmas (IWEP 2011), Iasi, Romania, 2011.
Contrib. Plasma Phys., 53, 86 (2013)

N. Gulbrandsen, W.J. Miloch, Å. Fredriksen,
’Interpretation of ion velocity distributions measured with a grounded retarding field energy analyzer (RFEA) in an inductively coupled helicon plasma.
Proceedings of 9th International Workshop on Electrical Probes in Magnetized Plasmas (IWEP 2011), Iasi, Romania, 2011.
Contrib. Plasma Phys., 53, 27 (2013)

W. J. Miloch, N. Gulbrandsen, L. N. Mishra, and Å. Fredriksen,
’ Ion velocity distributions in the sheath and presheath of a biased object in plasma’
Phys. Plasmas,  103703 17DOI: 10.1063/1.3488252 (2010)b


W. J. Miloch, N. Gulbrandsen, L. N. Mishra, and Å. Fredriksen,
’ The role of acceptance angle in measurements with ion energy analyzers:
Study by numerical simulations’,
Appl. Phys. Lett.,97, 261501  (2010)

Å. Fredriksen, L.N. Mishra, N. Gulbrandsen, and W. Miloch,
’On the measurement of subsonic flow in a capacitively coupled helicon plasma source’,
J. Phys.: Conf. Series 257 012019 (2010)
UiT Munin:

Å. Fredriksen, L. N. Mishra, and H. S. Byhring,
‘The effects of downstream magnetic field on current-free double
layers and beam formation in the Njord helicon plasma advice’,
Plasma Sources Sci. and Technol., 19 034009 (2010)


H. S. Byhring, C. Charles, A. Fredriksen, and R. W. Boswell,
Double layer in an expanding plasma – Simultaneous upstream and downstream measurements.
Phys. Plasmas,15, 102113 (2008)
Erratum in Phys. Plasmas,15, 079903 (2009)

Talks, posters, proceedings, and reports, not refereed:

Poster: E. Varberg, Å. Fredriksen,
‘Effect of permanent magnets on plasma confinement and ion beams from a helicon plasma source.’
XXXIII International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases; July 9-14 2017, Lisbon, Portugal.

Osnes, Sindre
‘Beam and plasma properties downstream from positively biased source chamber’
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-06)

Gulbrandsen, Njål
‘Diagnostics of Ion Beam and Current Free Double Layer in Helicon Plasma Devices with Expanding Magnetic Field ‘
(Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2017-09-18)

Poster: N. Gulbrandsen and Å. Fredriksen,
‘Observations of high-energy electrons from a current-free double layer.’
Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC), October 10-14, 2016, Bochum, Germany.

Varberg, Erik
Effect of permanent magnets on plasma confinement and ion beam generation in a double layer helicon plasma source
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-06-01)

Poster: N. Gulbrandsen and Å. Fredriksen,
‘Observations of hot electrons from current-free double layer’
IPELS, August 23-28, 2015, Pitlochry, Scotland.

Talk: Å. Fredriksen and O. Havnes,
‘Space Simulation Chamber (SSC) for space instrumentation testing in Tromsø’,
Nordic Physics Days, June 9-12, 2015, Trondheim.

2014 Talk: N. Gulbrandsen and Å. Fredriksen,
‘Beam Formation in a weakly collisional expanding RF inductively coupled plasma’,
XXXI URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, August 16-23, Beijing, China.

Poster: N. Gulbrandsen, Å. Fredriksen,
‘Comparison of ion beam diagnostics with laser induced fluorescence (LIF) and retarding field energy analyzer (RFEA) in a low-temperature RF-plasma.’
41st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics 2014-06-23 – 2014-06-27 2014.

Poster: N. Gulbrandsen and Å. Fredriksen,
‘The role of collisions for beam formation in a plasma potential gradient.’
41st EPS Conference on Plasma Phys. June 23-27, 2014,


Talk: Å. Fredriksen and N. Gulbrandsen,
Ion beam formation in a plasma with expanding magnetic field,
Fysikermøtet, August 7-10, Bergen, Norway.

Invited talk:
Å. Fredriksen, N. Gulbrandsen, and W. Miloch,
Potential and ion flow profiles in a Helicon-source plasma
IPELS, July 1-5, 2013, Hakuba, Japan.

2012 Poster: Gulbrandsen, Njål; Fredriksen, Åshild; Carr Jr, Jerry; Scime, Earl; McCarren, Dustin W.; VanDervort, Robert; Galante, Matthew E.; Magee, Richard M.; Lusk, Greg; Sears, Stephanie H.,
A comparison of ion velocity measurements from retarding field energy analyzer (RFEA) and laser induced fluorescence (LIF) in expanding helicon plasma.
54th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics; 2012-10-29 – 2012-12-02

Poster: Å. Fredriksen, N. Gulbrandsen, W. J. Miloch, A. Hansen, and E. Scime,
‘ Plasma flows in expanding magnetic field: simulations, probe and Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) measurements’,
XXI Europhysics Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases (ESCAMPIG), July 10-14 2012, Viana do Castelo, Portugal

Talk: A. Fredriksen, N. Gulbrandsen, W. J. Miloch,
‘Plasma flows in expanding magnetic field’,
39th EPS Conf. on Plasma Physics/16th Int. Conf. on Plasma Physics,
July 2-6, 2012, Stockholm, Sweden.

Christian Schregel: Studies of plasma potential with emissive probes in the low temperature plasma experiment NJORD
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-11-02)

Talk:  September 21. Å. Fredriksen, N. Gulbrandsen, W.J. Miloch, L. N. Mishra,
‘On the use of a retarding field energy analyzer for plasma flow analysis’,
9th International Workshop on Electrical Probes in Magnetized Plasmas (IWEP 2011),
Iasi, Romania, 2011.

Talk: September 21. N. Gulbrandsen, W.J. Miloch, Å. Fredriksen,
’Interpretation of ion velocity distributions measured with a grounded retarding field energy analyzer (RFEA) in an inductively coupled helicon plasma.
9th International Workshop on Electrical Probes in Magnetized Plasmas (IWEP 2011),
Iasi, Romania, 2011.

Invited talk: August 13-20 2011 A. Fredriksen, W. J. Miloch, N. Gulbrandsen, M. N. Lekha,
The role  of sheath and acceptance angle in front of a retarding field energy  analyzer for plasma flow analysis,
165H09.3, 30th URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of International Union of Radio Science, Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
Talk (pdf)

Poster: August 13-20 2011. N. Gulbrandsen, W. J. Miloch, A. Fredriksen, Interpretation of ion velocity distributions measured with a retartding field energy analyzer (RFEA) in a inducitively coupled helicon plasma,
240HP1.7, 30th URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of International Union of Radio Science, Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.

Talk: Å. Fredriksen,
‘Plasma flows in the laboratory plasma of the Njord device’
Fysikermøtet, June 20-22, 2011, Oslo, Norway.

Talk: W.J. Miloch, L. Mishra, N. Gulbrandsen, Å. Fredriksen,
Numerical simulations of the influence of an ion beam on the plasma analyzer performance in Njord helicon device,
63rd Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference & 7th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas, Paris, France, October 4–8, 2010 2010.

Poster: L. N. Mishra, and Å Fredriksen,
Evolution of electron energy distribution and its diagnostics on high density electron cyclotron resonance hydrogen plasma,
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 63rd Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference and 7th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas, 55, Number 7  Paris, France, October 4–8, 2010 .

Invited talk: Å. Fredriksen, L. N. Mishra, N. Gulbrandsen, and W. Miloch,
‘Formation of beams and flows in inductively coupled low-temperature plasmas’,
25th SPIG Aug 30-Sept 3 2010, Donji Milanovac, Serbia

Poster: Å. Fredriksen1, L. N. Mishra, and N. Gulbrandsen,
’Magnetic field configuration, generation of radio-frequency (RF) harmonics and high-energy electrons in a helicon plasma source’,
EPS Plasma Physics, June 21-25, 2010, Dublin, Ireland.

Talk: Å. Fredriksen, L. N. Mishra, H. S. Byhring, C. Charles, R. Boswell,
‘Confinement and instabilities in Njord – dependence on magnetic field geometry’,
IPELS June 8-12, 2009, Djuröneset, Sverige.
Talk (pdf)

Invited talk: Å. Fredriksen, H.S. Byhring, L.N. Mishra, C. Charles, and R. Boswell,
‘The formation of beams and instabilities in Njord – a new plasma device for space related experiments’,
XXIX ICPIG July 12-17 2009, Cancun, Mexico.
Talk (pdf)

Report: A. Hansen,

Poster and proceeding:  Å. Fredriksen, H. S. Byhring, C. Charles, L. N. Mishra, and R. W. Boswell;
“Double layer beam formation in the Njord device and its dependence on magnetic field configuration”,
35th EPS Conference on Plasma Phys. Hersonissos, 9 – 13 June 2008
Poster (pdf)
Proceeding (pdf)  Europhysics Conference Abstracts Vol. 32F (2008), P-1.191

H. S.  Byhring, C. Charles, Å. Fredriksen, and R.W. Boswell,
[Talk]“Double layer in an inductively coupled laboratory plasma – simultaneous upstream and downstream measurements”
37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 13-20 juli, 2008, Montreal, Canada.


Å. Fredriksen, G. Tribulato, and C. Watts,
“First results from the Njord device for space related plasma experiments”
The Norwegian Physicists Meeting, Tromsø, August 8-10, and
IPELS 2007 (Interrelationship between Plasma Experiments in Laboratory and
Space), August 5-10, Palm Cove Resort, Cairns, Australia
Poster (pdf)

G. Tribulato,
“Characterization of a magnetized plasma in cylindrical geometry”
M. Scent Thesis