The chamber with plasma source attached, as prepared by
M.Sc. student Karianne Dyrland
Left: Inside the chamber, with source operating.
Right: Langmuir probe used for initial plasma diagnostics.
Left: Kenneth Nilsen’s experimental setup for arc experiment
Arc signals as recorded by movable probe with sampling rate 2.5 GHz
Some publications:
K. Nilsen, Å. Fredriksen, and I. Mann;
Plasma clouds from vacuum arcs in a laboratory experiments – a possible simulation tool for impact clouds from hypervelocity dust impact?
8th International Conference on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas May 20–25, 2017,Prague, S.03
Kenneth Nilsen:
Plasma cloud detection and diagnostics from arcing by conditional averaging
Cand. Scient. Thesis, 2017
Karianne Dyrland:
Installation and characterization of an electron bombardment ion source for a Space Simulation Chamber (SSC)
Cand. Scient. Thesis, 2016
Å. Fredriksen,
Presentation about SSC, Fysikermøtet 2015