(Ávvočála Ole Henrik Maggai)
ISSN 0805-4312
Jelena Porsanger (váldodoaim.), Johanna Ijäs, Mákká Regnor ja Nils Oskal (doaim.).
Haddi: 175 ru.
Ole Heandarat – giellaprofessor ja eamiálbmotpolitihkar
Pekka Sammallahti
Davvisámegiela distributiiva cealkagat
On distributive clauses in North Sami
Olavi Korhonen
Bivdi ja guovžabálvalanmeanut
The Hunter and the Bear Ceremony
Marit B. Henriksen
Eliel Lagercrantz – sámegiela dutki gii čálii giellaoahpa mearrasámegiela vuođul
Eliel Lagercrantz – the Sami language researcher who published a grammer on the sea Sami language
Mikael Svonni
Subjeavtta sadji ja finihtta cealkagiid struktuvra davvisámegielas
The subject and the structure of the finite clause in North Sami
Johanna Ijäs
Álgogeahčastat sámegielat máná ovda- ja árramorfologiijai
Preliminary view of pre- and protomorphology in North Sami child language
Steinar Pedersen
Manne eai leat mearrasámiin makkárge vuoigatvuođat mearrabivdui?
Why are Coastal Sami left with no rights in the sea fishery?
Kaisa Rautio Helander
Sámi báikenamat 1700-logu eanamihtideamis – árbevieruid ja riekteipmárdusa dutkanfáddán
Sami place names in the 18th Century: Land surveying as a theme for researching traditions and conceptions of justice.
Nils Oskal
Muhtin dieđafilosofalaš váttisvuođat vuođđudit earenoamáš álgoálbmotmetodologiija
Some philosophical problems concerning the foundation of indigenous methodologies
Lill Tove Fredriksen
Eatnamis eatnama láhkái
Eatnamis eatnama láhkái – When in a new country, follow its ways
Gunvor Guttorm
Ebmos nissonolmmoš dárbbaša hámálaš gahpira – ládjogahpiriid hámit ja hearvvat 1800-logu álggus
Properly dressed women choose a special headdress: The shape and decoration of the ládjogahpir in the early 19th Century
Ole Henrik Magga dieđalaš bargguid bibliografiija (earret jorgalusaid).
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