SDÁ 1/2018: Nils Dannemark

Giella ja demokratiija. Iskkadeapmi movt Guovdageainnu suohkanpolitihkkarat árvvoštallet sámegiela geavaheami almmolaččat

Nils Dannemark (Sámi allaskuvla)

Viečča artihkkala: Giella ja demokratiija. Iskkadeapmi movt Guovdageainnu suohkanpolitihkkarat árvvoštallet sámegiela geavaheami almmolaččat (pdf).

Guovdageainnu suohkan lea leamaš sámegiela hálddašanguovllus álggu rájes, namalassii 1992 rájes. Dan ovdal, 1981:s lei Guovdageainnu suohkanstivra juo mearridan ahte galgá leat vejolaš geavahit sámegiela suohkanhálddašeamis ja suohkana čoahkkimiin seamma láhkai go dárogiela. Suohkan virgáibijai suohkandulkka 1982 guovvamánus, vai galggai leat vejolaš geavahit sihke sámegiela ja dárogiela. Dál geavahit measta buot suohkanstivraáirasat sámegiela sátnevuoruineaset. Sihke sámegiel ja dárogiel sátnevuorut dulkojuvvojit. Dán iskkadeami ulbmil lea gávnnahit movt Guovdageainnu suohkanpolitihkkarat árvvoštallet sámegiela geavaheami suohkanstivrras, ja manne sidjiide lea dehálaš geavahit sámegiela maiddái almmolaččat. Iskkadeami vuođđun leat jearahallamat gávcci suohkanstivraáirasiin áigodagas 2011–2015. Jearahallamiid guorahallamis geavahuvvojit ipmárdusvuohkin Pierre Bourdieua (1980; 1982) doahpagat habitus ja legitiimma giella. Dasa lassin válddán veahkkin dan movt Hannah Arendt (1958) čilge etnihkalaš unnitloguid dili nationálastáhtas. Buot gávcci áirasa árvvoštallet sámegielgeavaheami politihkalaš stivrengiellan hui positiivvalaččat, ja deattuhit ahte dákkár geavaheapmi lokte giela árvvu ja lea eaktun sámegiela nannemii buot servodaga surggiin.

Fáddásánit: hálddašangiella, demokratiija, váibmogiella, giellasosiologiija, sámegiella, Guovdageaidnu

Language and democracy. Factors impacting the language choices of local politicians of the Guovdageaidnu Municipal Council

The municipality of Guovdageaidnu has been a part of the Sámi language administration district since the district was established in 1992. In December 1981, the municipal council decreed to make arrangements to further the use of the Sámi language in municipality administration, and make it possible to use both Sámi and Norwegian languages during municipal council meetings. Consequently, on February 1982, the municipality employed an interpreter, in order to facilitate the use of both languages. Today, a majority of the elected members of the municipal council give their speeches in council meetings in Sámi, and all speeches are interpreted from Sámi or Norwegian into the other language.

The aim of this research is to examine how some of the elected members evaluate the use of the Sámi language in the municipal council. Eight members of the 2011–2015 council were interviewed for this study. Pierre Bourdieu’s concepts habitus and langue légitime and Hannah Arendt’s discussion of the situation of ethnic minorities within the national state are used as the theoretical framework for contextualising the data collected. All the interviewees expressed a very positive view of the use of Sámi as a language of administration and governing, emphasising that this usage strengthens the position of the Sámi language within all domains in society, and increases the prestige of the language.

Keywords: official language, democracy, heart language, sociology of language, Guovdageaidnu, Sámi language