SDÁ 2-2014: Jussi Ylikoski

Davvisámegiela ‑ráigge – substantiiva, advearba, postposišuvdna vai kásus?

Jussi Ylikoski (UiT Norgga árktalaš universitehta)

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Artihkal guorahallá davvisámegiela morfema (‑)ráigge morfologiija, syntávssa ja semantihka earenoamážit dálá čállingielas. Sátnehámit nugo uksaráigge ja bálggesráigge leat dán rádjai analyserejuvvon sihke goallossubstantiivan ja advearban, muhto eanáš báhcán vuđolaš dutkama haga. Viiddes empiralaš dutkanmateriála čájeha, ahte ‑ráigge-loahppasaš sátnehámiin leat iešguđetlágan merrosat mat leat prototiippalaš, normála substantiivvaid merrosat, muhto daid illá sáhttá atnit substantiivva ráigi dahje makkárge advearbbaid mearusin. Davvisámegiela ‑ráigge-hámiid morfosyntáksa ja semantihkka laktásit kásusiidda ja eandalitge báikekásusiidda, man vuođul omd. ráhkadusa dan min boares jođáhatráigge sáhttá álkimusat dulkot nomengihppun, mas substantiiva jođáhat lea ng. prolatiivva kásushámis, man geažusin ‑ráigge sáhttá várrugasat gohčodit. Prolatiivvalaš ‑ráigge almmuha lihkadeami bálgá seamma láhkai go lokatiiva almmuha báikki ja gáldu (dan min boares jođáhagas) dahje illatiiva háltti (dan min boares jođáhahkii).

Fáddásánit: advearbbat, báikekásusat, davvisámegiella, goallossánit, prolatiiva


North Saami –ráigge – noun, adverb, postposition or case?

The article discusses the morphology, syntax and semantics of the previously under- described denominal formations in –ráigge in present-day North Saami. As the topic has been mostly described in occasional dictionary entries but largely ignored in grammatical descriptions, the present article provides an empirical grammatical description of the formations such as uksaráigge ‘through the door’ and bálggesráigge ‘along the path’. In contrast to earlier descriptions that vaguely label these formations as compound nouns or adverbs, detailed morphological, syntactic and semantic analysis suggests that the suffix –ráigge – originating in the genitive-accusative form of the noun ráigi ‘hole, opening’ – has many case-like features that make it look like a modern equivalent of the so-called prolative (‘along, through’) case reconstructed in Proto-Saami. Most importantly, the internal morphosyntax of –ráigge phrases is largely identical to that of ordinary noun phrases headed by nouns in other cases. Sentences like Mon ledjen boahtime Álaheajus siidii dan min boares jođáhatráigge [1sg be.pst.1sg come.prog Álaheadju.loc camp.ill it.genacc 1pl.genacc old reindeer.track.prol] ‘I was returning back home from Álaheadju along the old reindeer track of ours’ dating back to the 19th century suggest that the phenomenon in question has remained largely unchanged for quite some time.

Keywords: adverbs, compound nouns, local cases, North Saami, prolative