Ohcejoga nuoraid duála geavaheapmi
Sierge Rasmus (Sámi allaskuvla ja Giellagas-instituhtta, Oulu universitehta)
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Dán artihkkalis guorahalan man stáđis davvisámegiela duála geavaheapmi lea ohcejohkalaš nuoraid hállangielas. Dutkama várás lean jearahallan guhtta 15–25-jahkásaš nuora. Veardidanmateriálan jearahallen guokte 1960-logus riegádan ohcejohkalačča ja eará veardidanmateriála lean čohkken arkiivagálduin. Materiála analysas lean guorahallan duála subjeaktapronomeniid ja vearba- ja oamastansojaheami. Kejonen (2017) lea evttohan ahte sámegielaid duálas lea hierarkiija, man vuođul subjeaktapronomeniin lea nannosamos sajádat. Duála sáhttá leat vearbamorfologiijas, jus dat lea subjeaktapronomeniin ja vai duála sáhttá leat oamastansojahus, de dat ferte leat maiddái ovddibuin.
Dán dutkamuša analysa čájeha, ahte nuoraid gielas duála subjeaktapronomenat leat badjel 94 % giellaoahpalaččat vuorddehahtti logus. Vearbbaid duálasojahusas badjel 71 % dáhpáhusain leat vuorddehahtti logus, muhto informánttat leat dán ektui hui heterogena joavku. Duála oamastansojahusas fas badjelaš 31 % leat vuorddehahtti logus. Dát bohtosat orrot nannemin evttohuvvon duálahierarkiija. Vaikke duála lohkokategoriija ii leatge jávkan informánttaid idioleavttain, de eanemusat giellaoahpalaš hámit leat subjeaktapronomeniin, unnimusat oamastansojahusas.
Fáddásánit: duála, reálaáigemetoda, olgguldasáigemetoda, sosiolingvistihkka, giela variašuvdna rievdan
The use of dual number among the youth in Ohcejohka municipality
In this article, I examine how much the use of dual number varies in the colloquial language of young people from Ohcejohka. For the study, I interviewed six young people aged 15–25. As a reference material, I interviewed two people from Ohcejohka who were born in the 1960s, and I collected other reference material from archival sources. I analyzed the use of dual number in subject pronouns, verb inflection, and possessive suffixes. Kejonen (2017) has proposed that the Saami languages have a hierarchy for the dual number similar to the Animacy hierarchy (Corbett 2000). According to Kejonen, in the Saami languages the presence of dual number in personal pronouns is a prerequisite for dual number in finite verb forms, and the dual number must be present in both preceding positions for it to appear in possessive suffixes.
In this study, I found that in the adolescent material more than 94 % of the dual subject pronouns were grammatically correct. The same number for the finite verb forms was over 71 % and for the possessive suffixes just over 31 %. There is variation among the informants, but these findings support Kejonen’s proposed dual hierarchy. Even though the dual number has not vanished from any of these idiolects, the numbers show progressively increasing variation when we compare personal pronouns to finite verb forms and then to possessive suffixes.
Keywords: dual number, real time method, apparent time method, sociolinguistics, language variation and change