Sámegiela hástalusat, seailluheapmi ja ovdáneapmi Guovdageainnus
Johan Klemet Hætta Kalstad (Sámi allaskuvla)
Viečča artihkkala: Sámegiela hástalusat, seailluheapmi ja ovdáneapmi Guovdageainnusdáneapmi Guovdageainnus (pdf).
Dáruiduhttin lea leamaš stáda sámepolitihka prinsihpalaš vuođđun 1880-logu rájes, ja dáruiduhttin lei boađusin stáda doaimmain sámegiela ja kultuvrra ektui. Dat politihkka almmolaččat loahpahuvvui nuppi máilmmi soađi áiggi 1940–1945, ja Norgga stuoradiggi almmolaččat mearridii molsut sámepolitihkalaš prinsihpa dáruiduhttimis seailluhit sámegiela ja kultuvrra almmolaččat. Liikká leat olbmot ođđa sámepolitihka áiggi guođđán eatnigielaset ja sámi kultuvrralaš dovdomearkkaid nugo biktasiid, namaid jnv. Dát dáruiduvve go mánát dahje nuorraolbmot geavahišgohte dárogiela ja nugo dážabiktasiid dahje go váhnemat válljeje dárogiela vuosttašgiellan mánáidasaset.
Orro leame dego dáruiduvvan livččii joatkán vaikko dáruiduhttin lei almmolaččat loahpahuvvon. Mun lean dutkan sámegiela saji ja hástalusaid Guovdageainnus, ja dán artihkkalis mun dutkandieđuid vuođul čilgen mot Guovdageainnu olbmot aktevran čáhkkegohte saji sámegillii almmolaš giellan.
Fáddásánit: sámegiella, dáruiduhttin, aktevra, doaibmasadji, almmolaš giella
Saami language: challenges, preservation and development in Guovdageaidnu
The principle of Norwegianization formed the basis of Norway’s official policy towards the Saami from the 1880s until the mid-1900s, a period in which the Norwegian authorities prevented and prohibited the use of as well as instruction in the Saami language.
Norwegianization did not function uniformly in all Saami speaking areas and the Saami language survived better in some areas than in others.
Becoming “Norwegianized” occurred when Saami speaking persons started using a non-native language instead of their own mother tongue, a process that just happened, without any discussion or explanation whatsoever.
I have studied the status and condition of the Saami language in Guovdageaidnu/Kautokeino throughout the 1900s.
The Saami language has survived in Guovdageaidnu/Kautokeino, though the language situation has varied from one period to the next. The 1980s were prosperous and in this period the municipality officially adopted Saami on an equal footing with Norwegian.
Survival of a language, however, depends on its use, and for Saami schools, it is a goal to make pupils functionally bilingual.
Since the 1990s, Saami has been an official language in central areas in Norway. However, there are internal variations in the language situation. In the Saami municipalities, Saami is used in people’s everyday lives both at home and at work. There is need for the development of the language.
Keywords: Saami language, Norwegianization, actor’s point of view, language shift, official language