Disentangling Variation: A crosslinguistic investigation of bilingualism and non-standardization (DIVA) 
The DIVA blog can be found here
Principal Investigator: Evelina Leivada (UiT)
Supervisor: Marit Westergaard (UiT/NTNU)
Funding: MSCA
Duration: August 1, 2017 – July 30, 2019
DIVA investigates the ways in which variation in the linguistic input affect the developmental trajectory of language development and its final outcome. Acceptability judgment tasks will be the vehicle to test different domains of grammar across different linguistic communities. Through examining acceptability judgments in neurotypical, adult populations, this project will foster a novel, three-way comparison across (i) monolingual, bilingual, and bilectal speakers (Standard Greek, Cypriot Greek, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish), (ii) different domains of grammar, (iii) varying developmental trajectories within the bilingual population, including heritage language learners and L1 attriters. The combination of on-line and off-line measures will reveal how various structures are processed by the monolingual and bilingual mind, and elucidate whether some or all types of bilingualism confer a cognitive advantage in this processing. This project brings together both the social and the neurocognitive aspects of the human ability to use language, through adopting a crosslinguistic approach to the investigation of language variation across populations with different trajectories.