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L2 Workshop – Second language acquisition: Linguistic and pedagogical perspectives

When: September 28, 2018


Where: UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø – Humanities building (HUM),

room B.1003 10.00-12.00 & E.0104 13.30-16.30


The LAVA and ACQVA research groups at UiT/NTNU have considerable expertise in linguistic approaches to Second Language Acquisition. At the same time, we see an increasing need to communicate our research results and our methods to language teaching and teacher education.The workshop aims at bridging the gap between linguistic and pedagogical perspectives on Second Language Acquisition. The participants of the workshop will investigate the potential of combining insights from modern linguistics, language teaching and teacher education as well as experimentation and language assessment in the context of English, Spanish and Russian as a second language in Norway.


10:00-10:30 – Yulia Rodina: Welcome, coffee & tea

10:30-11:15 – Amber Dudley and Roumyana Slabakova: Input and L1 influence: Aspectual tense morphology in L2 English, again

11:15-12:00 – Thomas Shaw Rankin: Issues in learning and teaching L2 English grammar

12:00-13:30 – LUNCH

13:30-14:15 – Kira Gor: Acquisition of Russian as a second language: Lessons we have learned and new directions

14:15-15:00 – Heather Marsden: Insights for teacher-researcher collaboration from theoretical linguistic SLA research on English and Spanish

15:00-15:15Coffee, tea and fruit

15:15-16:30 – Discussion


Invited speakers:


  • Yulia Rodina
  • Merete Anderssen
  • Roumyana Slabakova

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