Prof. Ahluwalia has been awarded the UTFORSK 2024 grant

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Congratulations to our PI, Prof. Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia, on being awarded the prestigious UTFORSK 2024 grant from the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-dir).”

The project titled “Photonics4Life: Educating interdisciplinary researchers to help solve societal challenges in life sciences” with the aim to facilitates international mobility and establish long-term partnerships among the partners in Norway, India, and USA, focusing on utilizing photonics technologies for addressing global health challenges with a focus on AMR, infertility, and cancer diagnosis. The project will establish Photonics4Life platform (real & virtual) through collaborative higher education and interdisciplinary training from physics, engineering, and biotechnology background by exposing them with the challenges and opportunities within targeted clinical applications by setting up close cooperation with 2 hospitals in India and Norway. Our team includes experts across physics, engineering, nanotechnology, biotechnology, infection biology, health sciences and machine learning. It will be a multilateral collaboration between Norway (UiT, INN, UNN, SINTEF), India (IIT-D, IIT-Hyd) and USA (MIT). The partners include universities & non- academic stakeholders, including hospitals & national research institutions, which are also future employers for students.

Congratulations to Prof. Ahluwalia and his team on such an outstanding achievement!