Paper published in Marine Policy by Iversen, Asche, Buck, Henriksen, Stein and Svalestuen. In several countries, maintaining the population of fisheries dependent communities are of major importance in the fisheries governance system. However, most studies investigating the relationship between fisheries and communities have a qualitative focus on the impact of fisheries policies on the communities. Read More
Scholars have often studied social, political and economic factors affecting trust. This article considers the relationship between spatial location and trust in politicians. We hypothesise that the centre‒periphery framework developed by Stein Rokkan has explanatory value for the study of trust in politicians. By using multilevel regression analysis on a large-N survey on a crucial Read More
Marcus Buck, førsteamanuensis. Tor Midtbø, professor 2. Jonas Stein, førsteamanuensis i statsvitenskap. Sigbjørn Svalestuen, universitetslektor. Kristian Høsøien Haugen, stipendiat i statsvitenskap. Unn-Doris Karlsen Bæck, professor Stein Ugelvik Larsen, professor emiritus Baard Borge, førsteamanuensis Camilla Brattland, førsteamanuensis