SDÁ 2021: Inger Marie Gaup Eira ja Svein D. Mathiesen

Muohtadoahpagiid praktihkalaš geavahus boazobarggus

Inger Marie Gaup Eira (Sámi allaskuvla)
Svein D. Mathiesen (Sámi allaskuvla ja Riikkaidgaskasaš Boazodoalloguovddáža UArctic EALÁT Instituhtta)

Viečča artihkkala: Muohtadoahpagiid praktihkalaš geavahus boazobarggus (pdf).

Boazodollui lea muohta dehálaš máŋgga áššis, nugo riibadit biepmu, vuohttit, vánddardit
ja das movt boazu beassá guohtut. Muohttagis lea kompleaksa struktuvra, mii ovttat ládje
rievdá ja gáibida ahte boazovázzit dovdet strategiijaid heivehit guođoheami rievdadeaddji
dálke- ja muohtadiliide. Dát artihkal gieđahallá jearaldaga movt boazosápmelaččat geavahit muohtadoahpagiid praktihkalaš boazobarggus. Dán dutkamis letne geavahan gielalaš ja fágaidrasttideaddji lahkonanvugiid. Guovddáš reaidun lea adnon guođohanbeaivegirji, maid vihtta siidda geavahedje gozihit iežaset beaivválaš guohtundili. Beaivegirjjit addet dutkamii dárkilis ja čiekŋalis dieđuid sámegiela muohtadoahpagiid geavaheamis boazobarggus. Viiddes dutkanmateriála vuođul sáhttá oaidnit movt boazovázzit guođohettiin geavahit muohtadoahpagiid, movt árvvoštallet muohtadiliid bohcco ja eatnamiid ektui, ja movt sii iešguđet diliin čovdet guođoheami dáid ektui. Vaikko buot siiddat gullet seammá boazodoalloguvlui, de čájehuvvo ahte muohtadoahpagiid geavaheapmi čatnasa guovllu eananšlájaide ja dasa goas guođohit iešguđetge eatnamiid. Dutkanmateriála maiddái čájeha ahte muohtadoahpagiid geavaheapmi vuolgá das makkár dálki, biegga ja temperatuvra lea.

Fáddásánit: muohta, muohtadoahpagat, boazodoallu, guođoheapmi, guođohanbeaivegirji

The use of snow concepts in practical reindeer herding

Snow is important for reindeer herding in many ways, including maintaining the supply of food, tracking, traveling, and the ability for the reindeer to graze. Snow has a complex structure, which is constantly changing, and requires that reindeer herders know the strategies to adapt the herding to changing weather and snow conditions. This article deals with the question of how reindeer herders use snow concepts in practical daily herding. In this research we have applied linguistic and interdisciplinary approaches. Furthermore, herding monitoring diaries have been used as a central tool, where herders from five siidas (reindeer herding communities) have monitored daily variations in grazing conditions. These herding diaries contribute detailed information on how Sami snow concepts are used in daily herding work. With this data, it is possible to gain insight into how reindeer herders use the snow concepts in connection with herding, and how herders assess the snow conditions in relation to the reindeer and the landscape, and how they solve herding challenges in different situations in relation to these factors. Even though the siidas belong to the same reindeer herding region, the use of snow concepts shows variations in grazing conditions that are highly linked to space, to differences in landscape and time, and how herders use the land. The research shows that the use of the snow concepts is affected by the weather, wind, and temperature.

Keywords: snow, snow concepts, reindeer herding, herding diaries