Norwegian Research Council supports the national climate research school, CHESS, with over 2,5 million Euro. The school will provide PhD students in geosciences with intensive courses related to climate research.
By: Maja Sojtaric
CAGE is teaming up with several other Norwegian centers of excellence, and educational institutions, to establish The Norwegian Research School on Changing Climate in the coupled Earth System (CHESS). The school is aimed at PhD students in geosciences.
The school will be headed by the University of Bergen (UiB) and coordinated by Associate Professor Thomas Spengler.
Chess will offer intensive courses and summer schools with some of the best lecturers in the geosciences, support research stays abroad, offer workshops in relevant topics related to climate research and earth system dynamics, as well as courses in communication, outreach and academic writing.
“For our PhDs at CAGE, climate is a topic of strong interest; I am very happy that the proposal has been funded because it gives us an opportunity to provide our students with in-depth knowledge on geosciences and climate change.” says associate professor Giuliana Panieri from CAGE, who is the leader of the Steering committee for the current national research school on climate dynamics (ResClim) which we be replaced by CHESS in 2016.
Other partners:
University of Bergen
Bjerknes Centre in Bergen ( Centre of Excellence)
CEED (Centre of Excellence)
University of Oslo
The University Centre in Svalbard