Welcome to the CASTL blog: hot off the press!

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How’s this for a first news item? Variation in the Input: Studies in the Acquisition of Word Order, edited by CASTL affiliate Merete Anderssen, post-doctoral researcher Kristine Bentzen, and senior researcher/center director (a.k.a. Our Fearless Leader) Marit Westergaard, is now published by Springer in the series Studies in Theoretical Psycholinguistics. Apart from an introduction by the editors, the book contains a paper co-authored by them and CASTL affiliate Yulia Rodina (The Acquisition of Apparent Optionality: Word Order in Subject and Object Shift Constructions in Norwegian), and a paper co-authored by CASTL post-doctoral researcher Roksolana Mykhaylyk with Heejeong Ko (Optional Scrambling is not Random: Evidence from English-Ukrainian Acquisition).

And the whole book is available here, if you have the right subscriptions.

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