It’s hiring time! And more…

It’s hiring time at CASTL! This year, we have one open fully funded PhD position in theoretical and/or experimental linguistics. This is an excellent opportunity to study at one of the world’s premier graduate schools in generative linguistics while experiencing Tromsø’s unique environment: a chance not to be missed! The deadline is March 28th, and the full announcement is here.

On another note, CASTL has also received a number of scholarships for PhD students at its partner institutions in the Northern regions. The scholarships are for 5 months at NOK 8,760 per month (plus NOK 10,000 in travel expenses): there are two scholarships for students from Russia (one for Fall 2011 and one for Fall 2012), one for students from Canada (Fall 2011) and one for students from the U.S. (Fall 2012). These scholarships are available via the institutions’ exchange programs, so applications should go via your own university; to see a list of eligible institutions, see this page (only institutions marked HSL and SENTRAL are eligible) – but it is not too late to ask your university to consider establishing an exchange agreement with the University of Tromsø: the application deadline in May 1st of the relevant year.

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