
WorkshopAbstract submissionPaper submission
QUICKThe Third Workshop on Urgent Analytics for Distributed ComputingJanuary 10, 2025 AoEJanuary 17, 2025 AoE
RISEThe RobotIc Systems in the Edge-Cloud ContinuumFebruary 14, 2025
CASTANETThe workshop on Challenges, Advances and SustainabiliTy in Ai-hpc iNtEracTionFebruary 14, 2025
Cloud6GThe workshop Cloud Computing in the 6G Era: Emerging Trends and ChallengeFebruary 10, 2025
IWoSeMCS-25The 5th International Workshop On SEcure Mobile Computer SystemsFebruary 21, 2025
ContinuumRIThe 1st workshop on Research Infrastructures for experimenting across
the HPC-Cloud-Edge continuum
February 14, 2025 AoE
EAVSecThe 1st Workshop on Trust and Security in Electric and Autonomous VehiclesFebruary 7, 2025 AoE


The Third Workshop on Urgent Analytics for Distributed Computing (QUICK’25)
Website access

QUICK aims to provide a platform that addresses distributed applications that enable important decision-making under time and quality constraints while maintaining desired confidence. We seek scientific contributions that leverage the aggregation of heterogeneous resources along the data path from the Edge to the Cloud and/or HPC, also known as the Computing Continuum, to support critical analytics applications. Data-driven dynamic workflows, which combine knowledge from multiple data sources and integrate it on-demand with large-scale computational models, are some of the canonical use cases for this theme.

We are looking for original high-quality research and position papers on urgent applications, programming models, and resource management software for the computing continuum. Topics of interest for workshop submissions include, but are not limited to:

  • Algorithms, models and systems considerations in designing urgent applications in the Computing Continuum
  • Programming support for user expectations and constraints in terms of response time, solution quality, data resolution, cost, energy, etc.
  • Run-time techniques to provide flexible execution models for computation and communication.
  • Resource management frameworks and interfaces supporting scheduling, resource allocations and application execution for the computing continuum.
  • Use of AI and ML techniques to steer urgency in systems and applications.
  • Application Experiences and policy frameworks using computing continuum infrastructures.
  • Autonomic Computing in the Computing Continuum
  • Distributed Machine Learning in the Computing Continuum
  • Edge Intelligence models and architectures
  • Feedback, Control and Observability for the Continuum

Important dates:

  • Abstract Submission Deadline (required): Jan 10, 2025 AoE
  • Paper Submission Deadline: Jan 17, 2025 AoE
  • Author Notification: Feb 14, 2025
  • Camera ready papers: March 13, 2025
  • Workshop: May 19, 2025

Submission guidelines:
Authors are invited to submit papers electronically, through EasyChair. The papers should be submitted in PDF, using IEEE format for conference proceedings. Paper length must not exceed 8 pages (including figures, tables and references). Submitted papers must represent original unpublished research that is not currently under review for any other conference or journal. Papers determined to be under active review elsewhere will be rejected without review. Submissions received after the due date, exceeding the length limit, or not appropriately structured may also not be considered. Authors may contact the conference chairs for more information.

All accepted papers will be published as part of the CCGRIDW proceedings (CCGrid Workshops proceedings). All previous CCGrid proceedings have been published by the IEEE and available online through IEEE Digital Library (EI indexing).


The RobotIc Systems in the Edge-Cloud Continuum (RISE) 2025
Website access

Recent advancements in robotics, including autonomous vehicles e.g. UAVs, alongside edge and cloud computing, have paved the way for developing sophisticated robotic systems that harness these technologies. RISE workshop brings together leading academics and industry professionals to explore how robotic systems can be designed, implemented, and optimized through the edge-cloud continuum. This workshop also focuses on how hyper-distributed applications’ workloads and data that originate from robots and their sensors, should be processed and stored across devices, multiple edge computing layers, and centralized cloud resources. The RISE workshop is co-organized by the EMPYREAN project.

We invite submissions of original research, work-in-progress, and proof-of-concept studies introducing novel ideas and innovative directions. We welcome submissions addressing the design, development, and evaluation of architectures, technologies, and applications for robots utilizing the edge-edge continuum, including but not limited to:

  • Data processing and storage
  • Distributed and collaborative robotics
  • IoT, edge-cloud and robotics
  • AI and machine learning for robotic operations
  • Cybersecurity in edge-cloud and robotics
  • Edge-cloud networking
  • Autonomous system control and automation
  • Digital twins for robotics
  • Resource orchestration
  • Processing of sensor data (e.g., LIDAR) within the continuum
  • Use of hardware accelerators (GPU, DPU, FPGA)
  • Robotic applications utilizing the continuum

Workshop organizers:

  • Professor Emmanouel Varvarigos, Institute of Communications and Computers Systems, NTUA, Greece (
  • Professor George Nikolakopoulos, Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, Sweden (
  • Professor Georgios Ellinas, KIOS Center of Excellence, University of Cyprus, Cyprus (


The Workshop on Challenges, Advances and SustainabiliTy in Ai-hpc iNtEracTion (CASTANET)
Website access

The mutual interaction between High-Performance Computing (HPC) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an active area of investigation at all levels of the Computing Continuum and involves experts from several disciplines. On the one hand, AI can provide innovative solutions to optimize codes and improve the HPC infrastructures management; on the other hand, HPC methods and tools can offer the computational support required for training increasingly complex and deep AI models. In any case, both areas are known for being among the most energy-intensive, and particular attention to the environmental sustainability of the proposed solutions is of fundamental importance. Mixed precision algorithms, mathematical transformations for filtering out insignificant information in training process, transfer learning and federated learning approaches are just examples of energy aware techniques in this field. This workshop aims to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to discuss recent advances, share experiences and best practices, explore new algorithmic and software solutions, and foster collaborations at the intersection of High-Performance Computing and Artificial Intelligence, with special attention to energy sustainability issues.

The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

  • AI-driven optimization of HPC resources
  • HPC algorithms and software tools for AI and ML
  • Mathematical methods for reducing dataset dimension
  • Mixed-precision algorithms for AI and HPC
  • Sustainable Machine Learning Architectures
  • AI for Energy Management
  • HPC for big data analytics and visualization
  • Interaction of AI and HPC in the Computing Continuum
  • Performance and energy consumption trade-off
  • Energy-aware neural network design
  • Sustainable AI model training techniques
  • AI and HPC for climate change mitigation
  • Decentralized AI systems
  • Intelligent resource allocation in sustainable computing
  • Ethical considerations in AI and HPC energy consumption

Workshop organizers:

  • Salvatore Cuomo – Univ. of Naples Federico II (Italy)
  • Fabio Giampaolo – Univ. of Naples Federico II (Italy)
  • Marco Lapegna – Univ. of Naples Federico II (Italy)
  • Francesco Piccialli – Univ. of Naples Federico II (Italy)

Program committee:

  • David Camacho – Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (Spain)
  • Jesus Carretero – Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain)
  • Diletta Chiaro – University of Naples Federico II (Italy)
  • Jerry Chun-Wei Lin – Silesian University of Technology (Poland)
  • Horacio González-Vélez – National College of Ireland (Ireland)
  • Raffaele Montella – University of Naples Pathenope (Italy)
  • Edoardo Prezioso – University of Naples Federico II (Italy)
  • Diego Romano – Italian National Research Council (Italy)
  • Roman Wyrzykowski – Czestochowa University of Technology (Poland)

Paper submission will follow the main conference rules (portal, paper format, reviewing procedure, …). In particular:

  • Authors are invited to submit papers electronically, following the links on the main conference website.
  • All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed and will be evaluated on correctness, originality, technical strength, significance, quality of presentation, and relevance to the conference topics.
  • Submissions need to be double-blinded. Authors should not reveal their identity in their submissions. References to past work need to be in a third-person form.
  • Submitted manuscripts should not exceed 10 letter size pages (8.5 x 11, IEEE format for conference proceedings), including figures, tables and references.
  • Original unpublished research that is not currently under review for any other conference or journal is expected. Papers determined to be under active review elsewhere will be rejected without review.
  • Submissions received after the due date or exceeding the length limit will not be considered.
  • The proceedings will be published through the IEEE Press and will be made available online through the IEEE and ACM Digital Libraries.
  • When submitting the final accepted manuscript, authors may purchase up to two additional pages beyond the original 10 pages (excluding references) to address comments received from the reviewers.
  • The workshop organizers plan to organize a Special Issue on primary scientific journals collecting extended versions of the accepted papers as well as other invited significant contributions. Further information will be given before the deadline for paper submission.

Important dates:

  • Workshop paper submission deadline: February 14th, 2025
  • Workshop paper acceptance notification: March 7th, 2025
  • Camera ready paper submission: March 14th, 2025

Castanets are a percussion musical instrument that consists of two small round pieces of wood that you hold in the hand and hit together with the fingers to make a noise. In this workshop, the two shells represent AI and HPC interacting between them.


The Workshop Cloud Computing in the 6G Era: Emerging Trends and Challenge (Cloud6G)
Website access

The workshop “Cloud Computing in the 6G Era: Emerging Trends and Challenges” serves as a pivotal forum for exploring the intersection of cloud computing and the transformative landscape of 6G wireless communication networks. In this era of unparalleled connectivity demands, cloud computing emerges as a linchpin technology, enabling the realization of low-latency, high-bandwidth, and data-intensive applications across diverse domains.

Emerging trends and convergence:
The workshop will delve into the latest trends that underpin the evolution of cloud computing in the 6G era. Participants will gain insights into cloud-native architectures designed to harness the full potential of 6G networks. The convergence of cloud computing with edge computing will be a central theme, focusing on orchestrating distributed resources to meet the demands of emerging applications in real-time data processing, augmented reality, autonomous systems, and smart cities.

Challenges and innovative solutions:
This workshop provides a platform for a profound exploration of the challenges inherent in this dynamic landscape. Security in distributed systems, resource optimization in the face of evolving demands, and network orchestration for maximum efficiency will be dissected. Participants will engage in discussions and presentations led by experts, addressing innovative solutions to these challenges.

Applications and impact:
The workshop will showcase a spectrum of real-world use cases that leverage cloud computing in the 6G era. From immersive augmented reality experiences that rely on instantaneous data processing to autonomous vehicles that demand split-second decision-making capabilities, attendees will witness the tangible impact of cloud technologies. Furthermore, discussions will extend to how cloud computing facilitates the creation of intelligent edge computing solutions, ultimately driving innovation in domains such as healthcare, transportation, and environmental monitoring. Community Building: Beyond its academic and technical focus, this workshop seeks to foster a vibrant community of researchers, practitioners, and industry experts. Participants will have the opportunity to connect, collaborate, and share insights. It’s an invitation to shape the future of distributed computing, forging alliances that will drive innovation in the 6G era and beyond.

The workshop titled “Cloud Computing in the 6G Era: Emerging Trends and Challenges” holds significant appeal for a diverse audience interested in the intersection of cloud computing and the forthcoming 6G era.

  • Relevance to researchers and academics:
    Researchers and academics will find this workshop compelling due to its exploration of cutting-edge trends in cloud computing within the context of 6G networks. The workshop will provide a platform for disseminating and discussing the latest research findings, making it a valuable forum for scholars seeking to contribute to this evolving field.
  • Practical insights for industry professionals: Industry professionals, including IT practitioners and professionals working in telecommunications and network management, will discover practical insights to navigate the complexities of the 6G era. This workshop offers opportunities to gain a deeper understanding of how cloud computing can be harnessed to drive innovation, optimize operations, and meet the demands of data-intensive applications.
  • Innovation and collaboration:
    Innovators and technology enthusiasts will be drawn to this workshop as it promises to shed light on innovative use cases and solutions at the crossroads of cloud computing and 6G networks. Collaboration opportunities abound, making it an ideal space for forging partnerships and exploring entrepreneurial ventures in this dynamic technological landscape.
  • Bridging the gap for students and enthusiasts:
    Students and technology enthusiasts keen on exploring the future of distributed computing will find this workshop an invaluable learning experience. It provides a bridge between theoretical knowledge and practical application, offering a glimpse into the real-world impact of cloud computing in the 6G era.

In summary, the workshop’s broad appeal extends to researchers, academics, industry professionals, innovators, students, and technology enthusiasts alike. It serves as a convergence point for knowledge exchange, collaborative discussions, and hands-on exploration, making it a valuable opportunity for anyone interested in shaping the future of distributed computing in the 6G era.


The 5th International Workshop On SEcure Mobile Computer Systems (IWoSeMCS-25)
Website access

The problems related to privacy and security are still challenging, especially in mobile distributed systems. The system end-users now use mobile devices and services for applications under the data-intensive paradigm, such as Skyline queries, streaming information relays, and crowd-sourced disaster management. However, the above paradigm shift has opened newer research directions in security, data interoperability, sustainable software development and many other areas. This workshop primarily encompasses practical approaches that advance research in handling large amounts of data securely in the cloud, mobile nodes and cloud-connected Edge clusters such as in MANETs and Wireless Sensor Networks. Successful contributions may range from advanced technologies, applications and innovative solutions for secure clouds to developing methods and conceptual and theoretical models related to secure management, monitoring, scheduling and resource allocation.

Recommended topic areas include, but are not limited to:

  • Mobile systems for security-aware data gathering and assimilation
  • Mobile edge and fog secure models and infrastructures
  • Mobile secure multi-agent systems
  • Machine learning–based models and simulators of mobile clouds
  • Advanced security and privacy mechanisms in smartphones and tablets
  • Scalable identity and authentication protocols in mobile systems
  • Security-aware resource allocation and scheduling in mobile networks
  • Secure communication in Smart Grid installations using Mobile Ad Hoc Network protocol
  • Wireless Sensor Node applications for Smart Grid
  • Secure 5G applications for Smart Grid
  • Economical models in secure mobile networks
  • Secure mobile network applications
  • Security testing of mobile and embedded devices

Submission guidelines:
Please visit this page to read more.

Program committee:
All submitted papers will be reviewed by the workshop technical program committee members following similar criteria used in CCGRID. More information here.


The 1st workshop on Research Infrastructures for experimenting across the HPC-Cloud-Edge continuum
Website access TBA

The emergence of new opportunities in AI, networking, edge computing, and IoT creates the potential for new avenues of exploration in science but at the same time challenges our understanding of the role and shape of infrastructure. An effective exploration of the edge-to-cloud continuum requires research infrastructure where those challenges can be investigated, and where new solutions and disruptive ideas can be developed, deployed, tested, and shared. Such infrastructure has to not only support a diversity of hardware configurations, and deployments at scale, as well as deep reconfigurability so that a wide range of experiments can be supported – but also mechanisms and services that will allow the community to share repeatable digital artifacts so that new experiments and results can be easily replicated and help enable further innovation. This type of Research Infrastructure (RI) has been implemented in systems like Chameleon, SLICE, FABRIC, or the PAWR testbeds, many of which address distinct, if overlapping, aspects of this problem. This workshop will provide a forum for RI designers, engineers, and users to discuss emergent use cases and modes of usage; RI solutions and operations; features that support research in the computing continuum; user interfaces and usability; experimental support for reproducibility; building and sustaining RI user communities; as well as evaluating and sustaining RI.

Topics of interest:

  • emergent use cases
  • modes of usage (e.g., reproducibility, teaching with testbeds)
  • testbed solutions and features testbed infrastructures for computing continuum research
  • experimental tools favoring reproducibility user interfaces and usability
  • building and sustaining user communities
  • operations (allocations, support, etc.)
  • evaluating the impact of testbeds
  • sustainability of testbeds

Workshop organizers:

  • Kate Keahey (ANL/U. Chicago)
  • Gabriel Antoniu (Inria)
  • Christian Perez (Inria)

Submission guidelines:
Authors are invited to submit papers electronically, through EasyChair. The papers should be submitted in PDF, using IEEE format for conference proceedings. Paper length must not exceed 8 pages (including figures, tables, and references). Submitted papers must represent original unpublished research that is not currently under review for any other conference or journal. Papers determined to be under active review elsewhere will be rejected without review. Submissions received after the due date, exceeding the length limit, or not appropriately structured may also not be considered. Authors may contact the conference chairs for more information. All accepted papers will be published as part of the CCGRID proceedings (CCGrid Workshops proceedings). All previous CCGrid proceedings have been published by the IEEE and are available online through the IEEE Digital Library (EI indexing).


The 1st Workshop on Trust and Security in Electric and Autonomous Vehicles
Website access

The Electric Vehicle (EV) and Autonomous Vehicle (AV) industries are at the forefront of reshaping urban mobility and advancing smart city ecosystems. EVs reduce emissions and contribute to sustainable energy usage while AVs improve road safety and optimise traffic flow through automation. Combined with advancements in connected infrastructure and cloud systems, these technologies are transforming transportation and energy management making them pivotal to modern smart cities. However, the integration of EVs, AVs, and charging infrastructure with cloud-based systems and urban grids introduces significant security and trust challenges. The complexity of heterogeneous systems, varied protocols, and increasing reliance on data-sharing across multiple entities require innovative solutions to ensure resilience and security.

The EAVSec Workshop aims to bring together researchers, industry experts and practitioners to address the most pressing trust and security issues in EVs/AVs, charginginfrastructure and their interconnection with cloud and grid infrastructure.

Workshop themes:
This workshop invites original research papers outlining new findings, problems with the literature, real-world applications, case studies, and commercial applications are encouraged. To advance the conversation, research in progress, opinion, visionary, and student papers are also encouraged to submit. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Trust and Security Frameworks for EV and AV Charging Networks: Novel approaches to ensure secure communication, data protection, and privacy within charging networks for EVs and AVs, including Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) and advanced cryptographic protocols.
  • Vulnerabilities in Charging Protocols and Standards: Analysis of charging protocols (such as ISO 15118) and associated vulnerabilities, including potential risks in wireless charging for AVs and secure vehicle-to-charger authentication.
  • Interconnection of Charging Stations with Energy Grids: Research on trust and security challenges related to the grid’s integration with EV charging stations, secure grid communication, and the effects of real-time data exchange on grid stability.
  • Threat Detection and Intrusion Prevention in Charging Infrastructures: Development of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) and threat response mechanisms to address cyber threats specific to charging stations, as well as machine learning approaches to monitor and respond to abnormal activities.
  • Fault Detection and Resilience in Charging Station Components: Innovative solutions for identifying, diagnosing, and mitigating faults in charging infrastructure components, including power converters, connectors, and communication modules, to ensure a reliable charging experience.
  • Privacy and Data Protection in EV/AV and Cloud Platforms: Techniques for anonymizing user data, secure storage and transmission methods, and privacy-preserving architectures for both EV and AV users within cloud-connected platforms.
  • Impact of Cyber Threats on the EV/AV-Grid Ecosystem: Examination of the effects of cyberattacks, such as distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks or resumption attacks, on EV/AV-grid stability, including mitigation techniques to enhance system resilience.
  • Secure Cloud and Edge Computing for Real-Time Analytics in EV and AVSystems: Trust models, data encryption and secure analytics for predictive maintenance, real-time monitoring, and decision-making within cloud-enabled EV and AV infrastructures.

Submission guidelines:
Papers should follow the IEEE conference format and not exceed 8 pages in IEEE double-column format, including references. All submissions will undergo a peer-review process, and accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings.

  • Paper submission is electronic only. Authors should use the Easychair system.
  • Submission requires the willingness of at least one of the authors to register for an early full and non-student fee and present the paper.
All submissions will undergo a single-blind peer-review process and accepted papers will be published in the CCGrid workshops proceedings.

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