This list of references includes publications emanating from the group’s research as well as recent publications by its members relevant for its research.
Blankholm, Hans Peter 2010. Long-Term Research and Cultural Resource Management Strategies in Light of Climate Change and Human Impact. Arctic Anthropology 2009; Volume 46.(1-2). Pp. 17-24.
Blankholm, Hans Peter 2011. Plugging the Gap: Early Metal Age in the Ostu Mountain Pass, Tromsø, Northern Norway. Fennoscandia Archaeologica XXVIII. Pp.19-38.
Blankholm, Hans Peter 2017. Reflections on the Early Mesolithic of Troms, Northern Norway, in the light of recent excavations and research. Fennoscandia Archaeologica XXXV: 20-32.
Blankholm, Hans Peter 2018. The early Economy and Settlement in Northern Europe – Pioneering, Resource Use, Coping with Change: New Investigations. In H.P.Blankholm (ed.): Early Economy and Settlement in Northern Europe: Pioneering, Resource Use, Coping with Change. Equinox Press. Sheffield. Pp. 1-12.
Blankholm, Hans Peter 2018. Macro-level Predictive Modelling of Early Stone Age Pioneer Settlement Locations in Varanger, Northern Norway. In H.P.Blankholm (ed.): Early Economy and Settlement in Northern Europe: Pioneering, Resource Use, Coping with Change. Equinox Press. Sheffield. Pp.77-102.
Blankholm, Hans Peter. 2018. In the wake of the wake. An investigation of the impact of the Storegga tsunami on the human settlement of inner Varangerfjord, northern Norway. Quaternary International. htps://
Deravignone, L., Blankholm, H.P., and G. Pizziolo 2015 “Predictive Modelling and Artificial Neural Networks: from Model to Survey. In J. Barcelo and I. Bogdanovic (eds.): Mathematics and Archaeology. CRC Press. Pp. 343-359.
Joly, D., G. Arnesen, E. Malnes, and L. Nilsen. 2016. Building an indicator to characterize the thermal conditions for plant growth on an Arctic archipelago, Svalbard. Ecological Indicators 66:623-631.
Nilsen, L., and A. Elvebakk. 2014. Vegetation of exposed calcareous ridges in central Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Norway. Phytocoenologia 44:19-29.
Nilsen, L., D. Joly, A. Elvebakk, and T. Brossard. 2013. Modeling spatial covariation of summer temperatures and bio-indicators in an Arctic coastal area. Climate Research 58:1-13.
Nilsen, L., G. Arnesen, D. Joly, and E. Malnes. 2012. Spatial modelling of arctic plant diversity. Biodiversity 14:67-78.
Tømmervik, H., S. R. Karlsen, L. Nilsen, B. Johansen, R. Storvold, A. Zmarz, P. S. A. Beck, K.-S. Johansen, K. A. Høgda, S. Goetz, T. Park, B. Zagajewski, R. B. Myneni, and J. W. Bjerke. 2014. Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in a multi-scale vegetation index study of Arctic plant communities in Adventdalen on Svalbard. EARSeL eProceedings 13:47-52.