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Katrine Husum

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Katrine Husum

Katrine Husum is a research scientist at Norwegian Polar Institute in Tromsø, Norway. She has been educated at the University of Aarhus in Denmark and the University of Tromsø in Norway. Katrine is a marine geologist with expertise in past subpolar – polar climate and ocean variations. She has completed more than 20 scientific expeditions in the Arctic as both expedition leader and participant. Katrine is working with overall climate change and marine geological processes that have occurred the last 5 million years. She has also worked in more detail with the climate and ocean changes that have taken place in the Arctic since the last ice age until today. By going back in time gives us a greater understanding of the climate system’s natural variability, for example by investigating how quickly the changes happened. This information also help us investigate how these changes affected humans.

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